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13 year Stroke Survivor (Correction)



My neurologist referred me to a neuosurgeon for evaluation to determine if an arachnoid cyst is pressuring my cerebellum, causing an extreme intensity of my stroke symptoms, and the addition of some new symptom as well. I was told that a micro-surgical fenestration of the cyst will alleviate the pressure, thereby reducing the symptoms that have been escalating since last April. I visited the surgeon with the hope that surgery was an option, and worth the risk, which is minor.


After viewing recent MRIs, the surgeon appeared, stating,”The news is good., surgery isn't necessary.” I replied, “That's bad news, as the symptoms are becoming unbearable.“ I then asked him what might be causing the dramatic change. He stated,” I can understand your disappointment, but the problem is caused by extreme atrophy of the cerebellum.” I told him that I am aware of atrophy of the brain being common as one ages, but does the word “extreme” mean that it is far above what may be expected at my age ,and can anything be done to stop further progress? He said it is very extreme and nothing can be done to improve the condition. There were many questions I wanted to ask him, but my mind went blank with disappointment, and he appeared in a hurry to go to his next patient.


On my return home, I googled “atrophy of the cerebellum” and felt sickened, as I read that cerebellar atrophy is a disease apart from the normal brain shrinkage that comes with aging or injury. Any hope of returning to my condition ( as bad as that was) before April, vanished


Symptoms since April /2014 ( intensified and new)

double vision (intensified)

vertigo (severe)

nystagmus (intensified)

ataxia (severe))

tinitus (no change)

tremors (severe)

memory loss (severe)

hearing loss (severe)

chronic headaches (new)

other cognitive difficulty (severe)

other eye sight difficulty (severe)


While I made good progress the first year and relearned to drive, I am now house bound and unable to drive since 2007, following an ill advised surgical procedure of the right ear vestibular nerve, causing further loss of right side balance,inability to drive and difficulty ambulating, even with the aid of a walker. The increase in symptoms since April are equal to or greater than those of 2007. I can't take any medication to help alleviate any symptoms since my vertigo is constant and severe and most medications have side effects of dizziness which are not tolerable.


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Ajcee, sorry to hear about all your health issues.  I don't know if another opinion would help but it is a thought.  


My prayers are with you.  



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That was my first thought too, get a second opinion now that you have googled all the facts and know what the specialist is talking about.  I can't see the verdict of "nothing can be done" is a very professional one! is there therapy that can ease the symptoms, is there a procedure that can alleviate ANY of the symptoms and give you some hope that one little increment at a time things will get better?


Ajcee, I wish there was something that would make you life easier, more pleasant more enjoyable.  The world is a wonderful place and yet seems you are living in a dark corner of it right now. Dream dreams my friend and then see how many of them you can make come true.

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I take offense at your post. Telling a man my age to "dream,dreams," seems inane. Dreams of the past are either realized or left unfulfilled, but to dream at this phase of life when coming to terms with my mortality, dreaming would be delusional.


Evidently, your statement was based on my prior posted poem,which is depressive, but expressive of my mood when written. I,like many stroke survivors, experience depression often, but not to the degree I would imagine, considering 13 years of fruitless attempts with as many neuro- physicians offering no hope for my condition and simultaneously battling cancer and angina.


My cerebellum has suffered a triple whammy; first with a stroke, then an ill advised surgical procedure which all but removed right side balance and now with extreme atrophy, all of which multiplies the initial stroke symptoms. There is no therapy or medication that replaces "dead" tissue.


As for the world being a "wonderful" place, there are pockets of wonder and beauty. But there is much ugliness as nations and religious factions

war with each other, climate conditions and disease bringing destruction, with greed and corruption running rampant.


I worry for our youth as dreams fade for their future..

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I dream at night of being myself and walking and then lots of the unresolved stuff with people no longer in my life and other such ugliness so sometimes I wake crying oh now wait then add that the pain killers wear off because I don't have sense enough to set an alarm to wake up to take them-thinking if I am sleeping then who needs em but anyway I don't wake up in a very good mood. As for setting any kinds of goals I don't know what my options are yet and what I will be able to do or not do but right now everything is really hard and I am learning to be disabled which seems like just one limitation after another but it is a real talent to be able to live in the world with them. I guess if Anne Frank can speak to the goodness and beauty in people and the world then I guess who am I to complain because I am not living in a closet with people trying to kill me. Yet it is all relative because in my reality right now this is awfully intolerable at times and all the inspiration in the world doesn't stop any pain for me either physical or otherwise and there is a spiritual energy pain that seeps in my soul from exhaustion of trying to cope which leaves no room for any dreams in the arena of goals or such even looking around me and appreciating that life itself is a beauty to be admired. I need that pain relieved as much as my physical pain and maybe they go together.  Well as Maslow would say first things first when it comes to what I need and where I need to go next. And right now I am thirsty and it will take me a long time to shuffle into the kitchen and grab a sippy cup but it will be worth it only if they put what I like in there otherwise I am going to quench my thirst but I won't enjoy it.  I like the crystal light fruit punch. Anyway life it like that. I want to keep living but I want it to be what I like which come to think of it rarely happens.

well AJ as I get to know you I can just imagine the look on your face taking offense at the very idea that a man of your age would dream so don't take offense when I am surprised that you doubt that you may find some meaning still in life somewhere that may be connected to some dream of the past in some little way. Just some food for thought but hey I think maybe you are getting that look on your face again. So it is time for me to make that long walk into the kitchen. 

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