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a renovated life



blog-0060767001413980010.jpgI have been renovating my life. I have been building new bridges between me and some of the people that were sidelined by Ray's long illness and his subsequent death. It is not an easy process. A lot of people thought I should have paid him less attention and gone on with my life. One of those people is my older son. I am sure the rocky relationship we have now is partly due to that belief. However even that can be patched and maybe one day be better because of what we have both learned. I am hoping so anyway.


He lives in Adelaide now, a two hour flight away. I saw him and his children and his partner last Friday night, although I had seen the children during the last school holidays I had not seen my son for a while. I was glad to have the opportunity to go to his home and then out to dinner with them all. It was good to just be Granma with her son and grandchildren. It has not been a good relationship since Ray died, I think we all thought: "Now things will go back to normal" but normal is not a place it is a state of mind and all of us have moved on from there. Ray's absence is so obvious at family gatherings and there is nothing we can do but get used to that fact.


I actually went down to Adelaide to the commissioning of our past minister in his new church. It was an interesting place he was commissioned in. There are three churches on the one block of land. There is a small stone church which would hold about thirty people, that is the original church. There is a marvelous new church, built because the second, newer one was burned down by an angry young man who thought he had been insulted by one of the wardens who was trying to regulate his behavior. So angry he felt that he came back with a flaming torch and burnt the church down. Imagine the distress among the community, not so many are churchgoers but still many regard a particular church as "their church" and the act of burning down a church reverberated around a large portion of the community for that reason.


The community, up in arms about the event, decided to rebuild the church and what you see now is the less than completed renovated church in progress. It has taken many years to build but it is now roofed over and the walls completed but not as yet used full time. It is used as a bridal chapel and for smaller prayer meetings. I was glad to see they have added a passageway between the renovated church and the new one so it is still part of the main complex, not just a sad addition - no longer used as the main church but a useful addition that is still used for small events but not for the main functions.


I am telling you this because that is where I think I am now. A very traumatic event happened in my life, the death of my husband followed two months later by the death of my mother. Like the roof of the church I collapsed. I am now rebuilding. I still feel as if there is much work needed to get me to where I want to be, a new updated Sue, useful, welcome, part of the mainstream of life. You and my friends and family in real time are the community that is helping with the rebuilding.


I am still useful, I come on here and post and comment, I still do my stint as a chat host, I still do the weekly Blog reports. I still take an interest in all the caregivers in particular have going on in their lives. I still attend Lions Club meetings and help out in any way I can in the community. I still do hospital, nursing home and home visits on behalf of the church. There are a lot of useful years in me still. But in no way do I want to be the Main Event. Too old and too sensible for that. And I no longer have that driving ambition I once had.


Can we stop the collapse from happening? I think not. Keeping yourself strong does help, having "ME time" and "time out" does help, keeping fit and healthy does help. But long term caregiving is a big job and takes a lot out of the person doing it and at some stage a collapse might happen. My advice is wait out the grief, take positive steps to reemerge from your cocoon and if you feel stuck in the grieving call on friends and family for help. Always remember you are stronger because of what you have been through and somehow you will survive.


That is my thought for today. I hope that helps.


*photo shared from the Facebook Page of (Rev) Stephen Bloor who holds the copyright..




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That was wonderful Sue, I love the way you  used the rebuilding of the church to you rebuilding your life.  Sue, it is brick by brick, slow and steady.

 I am please that you got to see your son and grandkids, that Is important to try and mend the bridges in our family.   My daughter and I hit a road block, but I am trying to   work it out, as my grandkids  told me that they don't like it when "me and mommy fight"


Sue you do so much and that is encouraging me, to get  out in to the community. It shows we still have something to offer.

 Wish you well  on your "rebuilding project"


God bless



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So glad your trip to Adelaide was rewarding and family time. The church is just beautiful and I know Reverend Spoor and his family were so pleased you were able to come and share their happiness.

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Nancy, I don't think so.  I think we all act according to our basic nature and I have a caring nature so until the last year I was acting according to how I feel all the time, looking after Ray, supervising Mum.  However maybe I would have changed that last year, maybe made more of a fuss so Ray could get hospice at home which would have helped BUT then where would my health and the peace of mind of my children have been? At least with someone else to look after him over night (I was there during the day most days) I did get some sleep..


Now I need to protect my own peace of mind so it is no turning back, no regrets for me now, just moving forward as best I can.

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