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being caregiver is such a hard job



Since I am blog junkie I am always reading blogs, and reading all caregivers blogs gives me perspective about what caregivers go through even when they don't share their thoughts & emotions. I know my husband is one of those caregiver who will never tell me what he is experiencing by living with survivor who lately dump everything on him when I get overwhelm with kido's college application process & if he ever give me slightest hard time in doing those applications. I just dump everything on both of them & back off. One thing I can tell you for sure its so stressful being parent. I know in my this parenting journey there has been many high points but there are those valleys when I sweat worry finally just pray & leave it in God's hands. I really don't like to ask things from God anything now. whenever I pray for him & our family, my only prayer is please god whatever is best for him let that happen & give us courage & strength to go through those trying moments knowing best is yet to come.




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Asha, your prayer is what we all pray for  our children whatever stage of life they are going through.  We love our children, wherever they are and whatever they are doing, they will always be our precious children however old they are and we want the very best for them.  The best to come for me has been grandchildren, now I don't see them because they have moved so far away I pray the same for them too.

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Asha, I hear you talking about dumping everything on your caregiver husband and think I am also hearing some frustration/disappointment/worry about what all he is the one to have to do.    I can tell you, Bob can't do one thing for himself/by himself.   But when I bring him something or do something for him, he always sweetly says 'thank you'.  That lets me know that he is not living with the, "I had a stroke and you owe me" entitlement problem.    I know he appreciates everything, and some how it makes it all easier, when you know your efforts are not taken for granted.

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Sandy :


I have problem with our son when I am doing things for  him instead of being thankful he will blame me & his dad will side with him so I get frustrated with both of them & say fine you both do it. I will back off. Being stroke survivor its not easy for me to do things, it takes me much longer time to understand fully & since I don't want to do mistake in this important process I spend lot of time reviewing again & again. So if I am not appreciated then I take personally lol. Our son is teenager after all




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Yea, it's tougher when there are more people in the mix.   Sounds just like normal behavior for kids, especially teens.   Hang in there, stroke or not, kids can frustrate the heck out of you!

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Asha, you are a Parent like Sue said, and has a Parent we want the best for them and we are going to worry. (wait till the grandkids come)   lol.  Like I explain when my son was getting really for looking about and going into college I had the stroke. I was no help, but the Son and father got it together and they were fine. Which show me that they can get thinks together, maybe not like we would want it done, but it gets


Remember, this is a big step for him and you and husband.  Take deep breathes, it be fine.



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Hey Asha we moms are just blamed for it since time began and we go on loving them anyway!

I am so sorry that you feel on the outside sometimes. I have been there. I know the frustration of trying to figure it all out and be helpful only to be met with ungratefulness when I expected a thanks. We moms are taken for granted too.

But we are needed and they count on us even though only we know that to be true.

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