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finally going back to work



I actually wanted to go back last week but the return to work note didn't have a specific date of return on it so HR wouldn't let me go back. And of course the doctor was on vacation so it couldn't get sorted out until today. I received a call from HR today saying I was approved to go back to work starting Monday - I told them that due to the nature of my job I'd rather wait until Wednesday, only to be told that I had to be there on Monday unless the doctor would fax another note saying I couldn't start until the later date (overkill on dotting the i's and crossing the t's in my opinion and the doctor's but whatever). So my first official day of work is The 5th!!!


As to why I do 't want to start on a Monday - I work in the Card Services area of a bank and everybody that had a problem with their card over the weekend is calling bright and early on Monday morning to complain. It's also the first of the month so everybody's card that expired on the 31st is calling to see why they didn't get a new one (even though they never bothered to notify the bank that they moved a year ago ). Plus the third is social security day and all the people that are calling to check on their direct deposit somehow manage to get lost in the phone queue and wind up in our area. To sum it up Monday's are hell in the Card Services area - especially the first week of the month and, frankly, I don't need that kind of stress on my first day back!!!!!


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I used to work in the Public Service and I know what you mean about Mondays, so take a deep breath and do your best, that is all you can do.   But at least you are deemed ready and that has to be a good thing.  Congratulations and hope all goes well.

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What really irritated me was that they didn't ask me if I could return on Monday - they just assumed. As it turns out I have an appointment with the vocational rehab counselor on Monday that I've been trying to get for the last two months. I kind of wanted some input from them on returning to work before I actually returned to work (silly me).

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