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Look Out Beaches - Here we come!



I was hoping to get a good night's sleep before we head out on the road this morning to Oceanside, CA for some serious beach time, but that didn't happen. Every time I plan a trip with Gary, I wonder why I'm doing this again. It never gets easier, and when I don't get enough sleep, it actually becomes dangerous. Thankfully, his caregiver will be going with us on this trip, so I'm hoping she got a good night's sleep and can help with the driving. I got Gary to bed around 8:30 last night, and am dreading having to get him up at 8, showered, shaved, fed and ready to hit the road by 9 a.m. Fortunately for him, he will most likely sleep the whole trip in the car while Kelly and I try to keep each other awake and alert behind the wheel of the car.


We are hoping to get to Oceanside by 4 p.m., get checked into the condo and pick up a few groceries so we can cook dinner at the condo. Gary's brother and sister-in-law from Seattle are flying into San Diego and will be at a hotel near us, so we'll have them over for dinner and a visit tonight. Wednesday we'll have breakfast at the condo and then head out to the beach for a few hours before he tires out and needs his afternoon nap. I'm taking jackets along as it could be chilly in the morning hours, but supposed to be high 70s or low 80s in the afternoon. I might try to sneak out for a massage while Kelly sits with him during his afternoon nap. I'm taking my swimsuit along in case I get a chance to sit in the hottub or can work in a quick swim, but I'm not sure I can fit my fat butt into it since I've gained back some weight from stress eating.


I'll let Gary's brother decide what they want to do on Thursday and hopefully we can all agree on an activity that Gary can participate in. By Friday morning, we check out and make the return trip back home. We don't have to rush the trip home, since Dan is staying home with the dogs and Kelly has her Mom staying with her dog, so maybe we can make a few sightseeing stops along the way. I hope to have a few pics to post from the trip but for now, I'm headed to the tub for a long soak, then it's busy making sandwiches for the road and packing last minute stuff in the cooler.




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Sarah, you can do this as you have traveled many times before.  This time you have a good caregiver to help.  It's nice that you can meet up with family too.  I so miss traveling but I don't have to courage just yet.


Pictures would be nice to see. : )




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Sarah. hope it all works out as planned.  I know from the "holidays" I took with Ray that it is hard work but it is a change of scenery, some new experiences and hopefully some good memories.  Enjoy it.



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same thin i do take dan , and then the with was i thinking…. trying to provide them some joy but manage to kill a piece of us off each time.. nice trade huh ??? YOU have fun, drink one by the ocean ...

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Sarah: have a wonderful, warm, sunny time. I do so miss the beach at times. This will be my virtual so lots of pix please.


Hopefully the prep is the worst part of this and yes, time with family will be fun.


An umbrella drink for me - enjoy honey.

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Welcome to so cal! I hope the days are sunny and warm for you. Sunset dinners are the bomb and I hope you find some rest on this vacation time. Spontaneous things can sometimes offset those high expectations of planned plans if that makes sense.so I hope for balance for you. Anyway enjoy the healing salt water and I hope you make memories and find some rest too.

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sarah,  what a wonderful time you have planned.  i to hope it all goes well for you both.  ca is a wonderful place to vacation in.  gary is so lucky that he has a wonderful caregiver like you that gets him out and goes places.   do be safe in your travels and yes please, take some pictures for us to enjoy.

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