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Yesterday, Tony Fraiser introduced the board to “Ted talks” I was intrigued with the two videos he posted and searched the “Ted” site and discovered a fascinating account by a brain surgeon who had suffered a massive stroke. She revealed some paranormal experiences similar to my own experiences that occurred while in hospital several years ago suffering from status asthmaticus. Not being computer savvy, I was unable to directly post the video, but it is easily accessible by going to ted.com and click “The twenty most popular talks of all time” then scroll down to “My stroke of insight.”


After viewing the video, go to Google for my post, " Before my last breath" (page 2, phenomena etc.)


Certainly, I can't speak with the intelligence and knowledge of a brain surgeon, but it is interesting that she speaks of entering a state of Nirvana consciousness, beautiful and peaceful, free of the constant internal chattering that constantly invades most of us. Although she doesn't speak of breathing difficulty,it can be assumed that her hemorrhaging brain is depriving her of the necessary oxygen and nutrition provided by a healthy blood flow. Advanced yogis in meditation, experience slow breathing and heart rate, as I did during my asthmatic crisis and prior to those whom report their near death experiences. .As to my precognitive experience, it is believed to not be uncommon with these experiences along with hallucinations.


Carl Jung, the noted psychiatrist, has written extensively on synchronicity, I cant help but feel that Tony's posting along with the brain surgeon's video and my post of a few months ago are a manifestation of synchronicity.


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Very fascinating stuff. I like the work of Carol Dweck and there is a Ted Talk that referenes her work. It may be helpful and inspirational especially as I deal with the post stroke stuff. 

It is really helpful to have someone explain all of this that we go through. I know that I was very calm and sometimes still am oblivious that I have limitations and that is typical I hear. In my mind I am still the same as I was but then I can't stand up and walk across the room so that reminds me I am not same.

I am going to read up on this synchronicity because I am not familiar with that. Thank you for sharing this.

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One of the first books I read after Ray's stroke, actually my yoga instructor recommended it.  A very good place to start my journey of discovery. 


My husband used to be a high strung, in-your-face kind of guy, and to tell the truth I kinda like the new him in certain ways.

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AJ :


I have seen neurosurgeon talk on oprah's super soul sunday series. It is quite fascinating.  to learn how our brain works 



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I have to admit that I did a search for stroke on Ted and when I saw the title I thought it was someone that had a "good idea fairy" whack them on the head and they wanted to talk about it.  Thank you SO SO SO much for watching and sharing.  As soon as I read your post last night, I pulled it up and listened to it while I cooked dinner and then again in bed to share with my wife.  It's wonderful to be able to listen to someone who can take and verbalize their experiences the way I'm unable.  I thrilled to hear that someone understands first hand how I felt/feeling.


As far as embedding the video.  It's easier and harder than you think.  I take the title of the Ted Talk, search youtube.  I hit the share button just below the video and copy that link.  Then I paste it in the post in its own separate line.  You HAVE to hit enter right after you paste the link or it won't show up right.

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