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Mom back in hospital



Yesterday I took Mom out to get 2 of her prescriptions and pick up ice cream. When we got back home in the driveway she refused to get out of the car because she said it wasn't her house, she didn't live there, and wanted me to take her home. No amount of reasoning would change her mind. She has lived in the house for 20 years. I got a neighbor who lived across the street for 17 years to come and talk to her. She said she didn't know him and wasn't buying his story.


The attempts to get her to go into the house lasted for about 1 1/2 hours. I decided to take her to the ER. They got her out of the car and brought her in to get checked out. They diagnosed that she has a urinary tract infection. She was admitted to the hospital. The ER doctor said I did the right thing by bringing her in.


She was very mad at me for not taking her to the right house and taking her to the hospital. She got over it by the time I left the hospital at 11:30 last night. The hospital called this morning and said they were going to do an MRI.




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In older women UTIs are usually the cause of that kind of behaviour.  There are some preventative medications you can keep on hand and once you get a doctor who understands her various conditions antibiotics suitable for UTIs work too.  It is scary the changes that occur with such a simple infection.  Ray also went through the same behaviour changing process with a chest infection or a fever of any kind so look out for that too.



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Today the cardiologist said he also detected a minor heart attack that occurred yesterday. She has her normal confusion, which is considered baseline. She is not agitated at all which is good.



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John, so sorry to hear your mom is back in the hospital, but very happy to know she has a diagnoses and will be getting treatment. Keep us posted. 

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John: I am so sorry and thank you for keeping us posted. Yes, you did the absolute right thing. You are so tuned into her and that is a true blessing. Please know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Yes, please update when you can. Debbie

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John, You handled this so well...It never would have occurred to me to go to ER. You are someone who needs to trust his judgement, if you don't already- at least where your Mother is concerned!   Becky  

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I can't imagine the feelings you must have going through this with your mother. your love for her shines. I hope they can get her home safe and sound soon.


Take good care.

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I can only take it one day at a time and do the best I can with whatever comes up. I love my Mom very much. Even though she has a level of confusion about things which is considered her baseline at this point, we have our own way of communicating. It may be hard to believe in this situation, but we had a couple of good laughs in the hospital yesterday. As difficult and stressful as it is to take care of her at home, I miss her when she isn't here. We are planning what to eat when she gets home. She says she misses eating together at the kitchen table.



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John: good to hear Mom is doing better and back to cognitive baseline. Thank you for taking the time to update us. And yes, please do post the menu - always looking for meal suggestions - LOL. Take care, Debbie

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I wish I had good news. My comment above was when I had some good hope. When I got to the hospital today, she was out of her mind. They said she was agitated last night and not sleeping, so they gave her Altivan twice during the night. She was hallucinating and didn't know who I was. They called in a psychiatrist and neurologist to evaluate why her condition changed. I know why it changed; no food, no sleep, and new drugs. I am hoping she gets back to her baseline after some good sleep and the drugs are worn off.



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Mom was sleeping today when I got to the hospital. I was glad to see that; she needs sleep very badly. The neurologist is still monitoring her mental state, but I believe she will get back on track when she gets enough sleep and eats regularly. I can only say that today was more promising than yesterday.



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Mom came home on Friday afternoon. She is doing fairly well considering what she has been through. She is not quite as strong as before. The visiting nurse came yesterday. Mom can rest and relax much better at home. She became disoriented in the hospital and couldn't relax. She will get PT in about another week.


In the hospital the doctors walk into the room and get a snapshot of her state based on the 5 minutes they are there. I can appreciate the nuances such as her sense of humor coming through. I am looking forward to having Thanksgiving dinner at home.



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Mom seems to be doing ok since she came home on Friday, but she wants to sleep a lot and says she is tired. All of her vital signs are ok. I know this is typical for a certain percentage of stroke survivors, but sometimes I can't get her fed or medications.



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