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Been reading--but not posting and I miss it!



Hi all, today marks week number 7 that we buried mom. It is still so hard :( I am 47 and Mom was 72 when she passed. What an experience this has been. 2 good things--Mom is not in pain any more and I will see her in Heaven and now I know how a funeral works and what all you have to do as in dealing with the funeral home and cemetery. What I really miss is the phone conversations, over the last year we talked on the phone more than we saw each other because of my stroke, then her TIA and other health issues. I miss her.


Mom had diabetes and then she got cirrhosis of the liver from complications of diabetes. Her liver just kept failing, over the past year it seems like she was getting blood transfusions and getting her abdomen drained. They had to do it like amniocentisis then we had a small catheter inserted on her side to do the draining. They would drain like 3-4 one liter bottles off of her at a time. She would swell up like she was 9 months pregnant.


Then her kidneys started failing, the drs. knew she didn't have much time. They sent her home on hospice on a Thursday, she had a good Fri. Sat and Sun. her sister stayed at their house to take care of mom and dad has his nieces boyfriend to take care of him. Over the weekend, mom and dad both went outside in wheelchairs and sat on the deck--they both loved it!


By Monday, mom started getting in a lot of pain. When the "bathing" lady came out to give her a sponge bath, she hollared and screamed when the lady touched her.I was the only one in her bedroom with her---I told her to yell all she needed to, I was right there for her. She told the bathing lady she couldn't move and didn't want a sponge bath. I told her she had to---she had to get clean and dried or just laying there she would get bed sores.


The poor lady! she was trying to go as fast as she could and she was sweating up a storm, mom was moaning and groaning. We were all glad when it was over! I told my aunt it was time to start the morphine. I spent every day that week with mom. On Tuesday it was only her and I for 8 hours, all she did was sleep or "out of it" but I sang to her, prayed for her, read the Bible to her,etc...I had a nice time. Thank God for that opportunity. Thursday night we were there until like 10:00. my daughters were there also--on a school night! About 4:00 in the morning---my aunt called and said mom had passed away at 3:30, the funeral home was on their way to get her if we wanted to come. of course, we immediately went. I have never touched a dead person before, but was thankful for that opportunity also.


Mom only lasted about a week on hospice, which is good. I go to her grave usually every week and put something small on. Time does help some, but losing a parent is devastating.


So much has happened since my last blog with just daily stuff, not too mention having a 12 year old and 16 year old! lol


Winter has already arrived in Indiana--I haven't left my house since Sunday. It is so cold and then we had a couple inches of snow. I have a feeling I will be home a lot this winter. Oh well, that just gives me a lot of time to blog lol


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Two years today for me since my Mum died, and I still miss her but now also see her life in some sort of perspective.  I now enjoy recalling mum's favourite stories, some of the good times we had and I remember a lot of things that she and Dad did in our formative years.  She was 94 when she died, God bless her  and had had Alzheimers for close on 14 years but she was still my dear little Mum to the very end,



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Thank you Sue! 94--she lived a nice long time............we want to hang on to them for as long as we can--but when they start getting in pain, it is so much better if they pass on peacefully, still so hard though! I think it is so cute how your call yours mum :)

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