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Caregiver Down!



A couple of weeks ago I took Larry to his ear doctor appointment to have the wax removed. His audiologist will not do it, so another Dr. trip every few months or so. I have to take him to Mercy Medical Center. I usually use valet parking. I got him out and into his transport chair as it is too far to walk to the office. I turned around and BAM, tripped over the curb and fell. The valet was standing there not knowing what to do. He asked if I was allright and I told him "yes, just help me up". I just ended up with bruises and banged up knee and arm. My right arm still hurts and that is the one I help Larry up with. I have not fallen in years, but as the days went on I heard about 3 other people falling. Besides the fall, I have had "ringing in my ear". I went to the doctor yesterday and she said I may need hearing aids. I know I have a slight loss. I will go to Larry's audiologist and get checked out.


Well, that was not the end of the day for us. Later, while we were home, Larry started acting weak and needing more help. At one point he was lying in his lift chair but ready to slide to the floor as his head was in the seat part! I had a hard time getting him raised up. A few minutes later, I felt his head and it was very warm. I took his temp and it was 101.8. I knew from this board and talking to Debbie that this could be a UTI. I called his doctor but he was not on call and the associate said I could take him to the ER or Urgent Care. I ended up at the Urgent Care up the street. He had a bladder infection and he is better after 10 days on antibiotics. He had not been sick like this for years. But 2 things in one day - Wow!


It has been so cold here but we only have had a dusting of snow. The yard people came again today and got the rest of our leaves. My Japanese Maple tree has turned from a bright orange to an apricot shade. I just hope the weather holds out for Thanksgiving. My daughter is coming in next Tuesday and I am looking forward to her visit. She gets about the same weather as she lives in lower Michigan. I am going to trick her into helping me put up the tree again. I have downsized so it will be easier. I took another container of Christmas decor to the thrift shop where I volunteer. Nice to get rid of some stuff and yet contribute to a good cause.


Here is wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.




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Julie, that is a caregiver's worse nightmare, the fall, particularly if that is an injury that means he/she cannot go on looking after the one cared for.  I am glad you had some small help at least.  But do please fit that into your Plan B.


Having a daughter home for a few days is a gift worth having, happy decorating.

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Julie: just so scary but glad both of you are on the mend. Rest up as best you can so you can enjoy your holiday family time coming up. Tina's visits are always so special. Debbie

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Oh dear, I'm so glad you didn't break anything.   I'm sure you'll be feeling it in the next couple of days, just the same!   Glad you got Larry on meds fast, I hate facing a week-end with a problem unresolved.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you too. You are amazing that you were able to care for him even through your own pain. But you are a MOM too so you have lots of experience. I hope you will take some time for yourself and I hope that you will get some relief for the ringing. That can really be annoying to deal with.


It is always more fun to decorate with someone else anyway!

Enjoy your time with your family this year and make some memories!

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This is so scary and I am very glad you weren't hurt any more than you were. I hope you heal quickly. I also know about those wicked UTI's! Those darn things seem to take a huge toll on people who are already debilitated. If Lauren had ended up in the position Larry was in, it would have required a 911 call to get him up. No way I could have done that. The fire department came to know us well--even gave me their direct line so I didn't have to call 911 for a pick-up off the floor. In the entire time we raised children, I never called 911 for anything. With Lauren, it became so routine even the neighbors didn't pay much attention! 


Enjoy your visit with your daughter and have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ~~Donna

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Well, Julie, since it is Tuesday I hope your daughter is there with you! I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. And I bet she is there expecting to help with the Christmas decorating. I guess I'll do the same over the week-end.


I broke an ankle and later had to have knee surgery while Bill was with me. WOW...it sure makes life challenging!!! I'm so glad you weren't hurt badly, but know the stress you have been experiencing. I think we "will" ourselves not to be hurt badly enough to affect our caregiving!!


Have a happy time with your daughter!!



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