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i survived!!!



I finished my first full week working six hours a day. Thank goodness it's Friday and I have a couple of days to relax and catch up on household chores cuz I certainly didn't get much accomplished after work all week - I basically made dinner and cleaned up and that was it!! We have a bench outside of our office that I've been laying down and resting on during my lunch hour - one day my boss came through and gave me a funny look and asked if I was ok. I got a tour of the new office where I'm going to be working sometime in January - it's huge!! I didn't notice if they had someplace I could lay down but I asked our facilities manager if I could take the bench with me when I moved if they didn't - he looked at me and laughed and said "we'll see".

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After Ray's first stroke he went back to work after six months.  Someone put a recliner in the back of the workshop and if he was asleep in it one of the other tradesmen would wake him up and off they would go back to work.  Sometimes people understand more than you think.

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