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Larry is in the hospital



Okay, I will try again. I posted this yesterday, but I have been "losing it" lately so here goes.


Well, this blog should be "survivor down" as the last was "caregiver down" when I fell.

Larry has been in the hospital for a week. He went in with a UTI again. They said he had a bladder infection, kidney infection and he has been dealing with an enlarged prostate. This was the second infection in a month and he had not been in the hospital since 2010. He has not had a fever since that time so this was a shock. A few days ago they did a CT scan and discovered pneumonia. Now they are not sure "when" that happened. He is at a risk for aspiration and they are on that like flies to honey.


He is doing better and the antibiotics seem to have kicked in. He is very tired.


Your prayers are needed for him to recover and come home.






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Oh dear, definitely sending prayers.   Let e address one problem our guys have in common.    Bob has had an enlarged prostrate for several years before his stroke.   He would have to run to the restroom every 5 minutes.  What that seems to tell me is his bladder wasn't empyting all the way - and old urine is not something we want to keep around.   Although he saw a urologist several times, and endured horrible test, they gave him NOTHING.   Only said it wasn't cancer and gave him an antibiotic, and that was it.   


Fast forward.    I began to give him cranberry juice tablets to ward off infections,every day.    I got them in the largest dose they sold.    He hasn't had a UTI since.     THEN, I discovered these "Real Health Prostrate formula meds on a discount shelf at Walmart...... and he actuallly doesn't leak constantly anymore, and is dry about 50% of the time I check and go in a urinal!    His prostrate swelling is definitely down.


They make several versions, but this is the exact one he takes:


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Good luck to you and to Larry, Julie. Usually a good antibiotic will knock out a UTI fairly effectively as long as it doesn't morph into a bladder or worse yet a kidney infection. That is why it is so important to jump on an infection early before it progresses to a more serious stage. So once this one is cleared up be sure Larry lets you know anytime he feels as if he might have an infection of one sort or the other. And be sure his doctor is seeing him regularly and always on the lookout for any sign of infection. Take care.

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Sorry to read of this. I'll sure keep you both in my prayers. Hospitals at Christmas time have become our MO so I can relate to the stress this causes on many levels. Hope he improves quickly and gets back home. Best wishes to you both. ~~Donna

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sorry to hear of yours and larry's recent problem. this coupled with being in the "problem season" of the year. it sounds like he is getting very good care and will hopefully (for both of you) be back home soon.

best wishes -- david

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Larry's pneumonia is apparently from aspiration.  They were to discharge him tomorrow but his white cell count is up and they took him for another cheste Xray.  I do not know the results and will find out tomorrow.


I am also considering a feeding tube now for Larry as the aspiration is very difficult to watch.  He does not have much of an appetite.  I have to monitor him with every bite.  I am also a little worried of the feeding tube.  His PCP called today and we discussed it at length for the first time.  He said he could do the peg tube now while in the hospital.  We could try it for a few months so Larry could get stronger.  I have so many things to think about.



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Oh, that is a hard one.   I'm so sorry you 2 are going thru this.   Will keep you in my prayers.    Oh, did they give him a special aphasia diet?

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Julie , So sorry to hear this. Request for prayers granted. Would going back on weighted fluids and/pureed food help instead of feeding tube?   Becky

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