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another week bites the dust



TGIF!!!! It's been a long week and I would have given anything to feed the stinkleys and go back to bed this morning. We're moving more and more of our department to Traverse City which means I have less and less to do and that means I'm getting closer and closer to moving to my new job which means that I'm going to have to sort through ten years worth of crap in my desk. I went out to dinner with a bunch of ladies I used to work with and was up WAY past my bedtime but it was worth it!!


I had to call my insurance company and have them reprocess some of my therapy claims that didn't get paid because they occurred during the time when I was waiting for my employer to send me the paperwork to COBRA my insurance - I almost had a heart attack when I got the bill for almost $5000!!!!


I have a doctor appointment on January 7th and hopefully I get the OK to move to 35 hours a week.


My son is starting to get on my nerves - when I get home in the evening the first words out of his mouth are "what's for dinner?" To which I reply "what did you make?". The child has been home for an hour and knows how to use the microwave and heat up a meal - why should I have to make his dinner the moment I walk through the door?

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Lynda, I used to do distance learning so would go for a weekend three  times a year and the minute I got in the door all three of my  teenaged kids would say: "What's for dinner Mum."  it is a family dependency thing.  So leave a list of instructions entitled:  "How to cook dinner." and give them a mark out of ten when they do it.  If they don't do it then the answer is: "If you want a sandwich make me one too." (I am a wicked woman) :bbq:  

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