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big adjustment



I decided to come back to my apartment last Friday. My boyfriend spent the day with me but it was very overwhelming. After he left, it was more overwhelming. I made it through the night by myself and he came back and spent the weekend with me. It still was not easy.


This week I tried my best to stay busy. I joined a therapeutic recreation center for people with disabilities and seniors until I can become a volunteer and do more administrative work. Each morning we start with fitness in the gym. Monday we did arts and crafts then I came back to my apartment and met with my therapist. Tuesday we cooked breakfast, then my dad took me grocery shopping and helped me cook dinner when we got back to my apartment. Wednesday, we did zumba then my dad took me to the store. Wednesday was my first day driving by myself to the rec center and back. Thursday, we played the wii video game then I went out to lunch with my friend from church. Later that evening I drove to my other church friend's house and we talked for a little bit. Yesterday we went on a field trip to the outlet mall.


Each morning I wake up and turn the tv on just to have noise. I dont have cable so I usually end up listening to the news and in the evenings I just try to find game shows. I haven't had to deal with the annoying daytime talk shows and courts shows since I've been staying gone most of the day. I was hoping and believing the medication would stop the panic attacks (since I feel like I've tried so many other methods) but unfortunately I have still had a few. I have had more anxiety than full blown panic so thats good I guess.


Everything is just a balancing act. I can't even explain how I feel. I can't tell when Im sad or just feeling normal. I put so much pressure on myself to enjoy the moment when Im trying to have fun that I end up having anxiety attack anyway. Don't spend so much time out/around others that Im afraid/sad to go home/be here by myself. Don't spend so much time in my living room that I get anxiety when I see my bed. Don't stay in my bedroom so much that I get flooded with panic attack memories when I go in my living room to sit on the couch and watch a movie. Try to enjoy myself while Im around others and don't worry about what Im going to do when I get alone. Im proud of myself for making it through this week, facing fears, showering alone, driving, calming myself instead of getting more upset and spending time with others and alone without falling into depression. I hope that with medication, therapy, and a daily routine that involves being around others and having time to myself, I will beat the panic disorder, depression and not have anxiety anymore.


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I am proud of you too, whatever happens in your life you are doing your best.  My plan for my life is to keep busy, just keep doing something that seems worthwhile, take it day by day, hour by hour if you need to.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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Sounds like a great week with great accomplishments!! and a great plan! You have every right to be proud of this week. This post made me happy, thank you for sharing. 

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I can tell you from my own experience as a stroke survivor that life is not easy but what you make of it.. I forget things now that I should remember when my wife tells me but seems like I just can't do that... Perhaps my brain that was damaged from the stroke is fading slowly at my age now...


I'm going to make the best of what ever years I got left on this earth doing all I can every day, so you enjoy yourself all you can each day!!!!!

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Congratulations for being brave even when you don't feel courageous, for doing something even if you can't decide what you want long term, and for doing something in the moment regardless of how you feel.

I bet you have made Dad proud and he's a good guy for being there for you.

I always say to myself: you have time to figure it all out tomorrow and for today the schedule is enough to work with and accomplish.

Just think of all the panic attacks you didn't have and besides when did you have time to have one you busy lady!

I believe you are an inspiration to all you meet at that rec center and perhaps you are the bright light in someone's day who is really alone in life. I admire the work you are doing for others and I know it will impact your life.

I hope you will be kind to you! Living alone is sometimes scary and lonely. I wonder if you ever thought of having a therapy pet? I too love the TV noise when life gets too quiet or some music to sing with. Lots of us are scared of the dark and of being alone even though they say adults are not allowed to be and won't admit it.

You are making good progress it sounds like you are proud of your goals and that is what counts!

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