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thoughts on love at Christmas



The music stops, the couples pick up their bags, the singles wait for their transport, the party is over for another year. The highlight of my Christmas party season is the WAGS (Working Age Group for Stroke) Christmas party. The people who belong to that group have been the foundation of my life for 8 years, six with Ray alive and the two since. I know many of them have a heavier load than even I had but they still have time to think of others, to reach out, to share on Facebook or in an email. If the saying is true: “If you want something done ask a busy person.” then it is more true that when you have a burden to carry you can rely on these true burden bearers, someone who already has too much trouble in their life who will still add you to their thoughts or prayer list. They are wonderful people.


I must confess that I have become a trifle sentimental in my old age. Where there is dancing and music, happiness comes in many disguises. Happiness forms like a bubble surrounding us so the weather is fine and the day is lovely and all of a sudden love is all around. Not the one-to-one love we see in the movies but that general sense of love that comes with being with good friends and knowing you are safe to be a little silly and enjoy yourself. It is a wonderful feeling and like a bubble sometimes lasts only seconds but it leaves a kiss on your heart.


I am still the Dancing Diva, the music plays and I dance. But I was not the only one dancing, the caregivers dance, the survivors dance, not only those lightly affected but those who can barely stand up and those who need a wheelchair or a scooter. Wonderful to have a dance partner who just appreciates movement and music and the mood of the moment. I would tell you who but it would break the spell. Music and dancing and good food and funny people and ...I could go on and on.


I am changing. I can feel the cocoon starting to shatter. It is a strange feeling. I don't know how long it will take but feel changes coming into my life again. The pre-Christmas season has been busy. I am doing four hour shifts at least twice a week selling tickets in our Lions Club Christmas Stocking. We have two people on at a time, so there is a social aspect to it, and as I have lived in this place for 31 years at the last stretch I do know a lot of people so plenty of chat with those who buy thee tickets too. Given that all the money then goes to various charities and projects a very good use of my spare time.


I also have the church commitments. Sadly one of my home communion ladies is now in a hospice in Sydney, to be nearer to her daughter and another has just come home from hospital and is still recovering from pneumonia, for those two I send cards instead of paying visits. There are still others who ponder the reason for us thinking of Christmas as a family season when their family rarely visit and when they do it is only for too short a time, a brief appearance where so much more is needed. All I can do is sit and listen to what they have to say, I have no influence on the situation.


The rest of the church year is packed with the usual end-of-year functions and the usual extra services for the season. I like the reminder of the foundations of our faith. I don't mind doing extra tidy ups and helping with Messy Church is a real joy to me. Now I don't see my own grandchildren seeing other people's is almost as good, there is a real comraderie in working alongside kids, helping to fix a wing to an angel or putting a crown on a king. Who could ask for any other reward than the smile on their faces when they catch a glimpse on themselves in the mirror?


I had four days with my daughter and family last week and that was good. The two children both got an award at their Presentations so we sat through two of those. They are good kids, taught to be steady workers at home and at school. I also went to Carols in the Park, not a big flash event but eleven bandsmen including my two grandchildren who play the cornet, in a small grassy area in a low social economic area, only ten people actually came from that community and stayed during the performance but every car load driving past saw the Sallies were back in their area again. It is about what we call the ministry of presence – I am here if you need me.


And so the busy time comes. I have got some baubles on my Tree, I will try to put up some decorations this week, cleaning as I go. I do seem to have neglected the house a lot since I got so busy and so tired too. The humid weather doesn't help in that way. But it is a happy season and does bring out the goodwill in the community, people do smile more and offer a greeting and hopefully will be more generous in giving to those in need not only to our cause but to the many helping hand organisations that need a boost this time of the year.


I wish you renewed strength as you struggle with the season, the good and the bad, the exhilarating and the tiring. The meaning for me as a Christian is love – love spread wide and far, love of neighbour and love of others, whoever you encounter in your daily living. May it also be a season of blessing for us all.


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I love your thoughts on love at Christmas, they remind me of my own thoughts and wishes this time of the year here with so many soldiers sitting by with no legs, or arms but still got their families and kids to hug, go places with them, and still live the best life they can with what they got left for a body!!!!


I didn't realize I too would be not walking very well at this time but I'm doing the best I can just not going much by myself anymore, not even to church services in fear of falling... I'm so blessed to have my wife who cares for me and stays concerned about me being OK...


I hope this time of the year is good to you and your children and grand kids too because maybe sooner or later you'll have great grand kids in your life!!!!

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Sue I love that ministry of presence you talked about. How awesome is that phrase! That is a powerful thing to know someone is there to catch you when you fall or whatever you need. So many never have that to count on so that is a powerful gift to give someone. I know you are a blessing to others as you are on here.


I am glad you are out as the Dancing Diva and that you took the music home in your heart. I may look to see if we have something around here in So Cal. I am glad you got into the decorating spirit a bit and I hope it cheers you. I am so glad to hear that you are out there sharing with others all the good things you gave to Ray and I hope you receive tenfold in return.


Thank you for all you do on here.

Happy Holidays!

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wishing you many blessings and very happy that you are getting out more and seeing people. your post is very uplifting.

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