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Lost the Pep in my Step !



So I tried the college thing, and figured out that I'm more hindered than I thought. My ego is very bruised by this. I wanted to so badly be able to accomplish my goal, instead I watched myself fail for the first in my life. All I want is to move on with my life and to be successful at something; but I'm still stuck running in place after 4 years. I wish I could wake-up from this horrible dream and go back to the way things were before. This is by far the most difficult this I've had to deal with, and it doesn't get any easier. I'm not even 30 yet and I feel like I'm 60 already.


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The thing that is so great about a place like this is... when you or loved one first has a stroke, it is common to think "why me?".     We feel like everyone else is skipping along, while we alone are flattened with a stroke.   I'm caregiver to my husband Bob.   When I came here, I saw how so many other people were dealing with the exact same thing- and age didn't matter - even unborn babies can have strokes.   It made it easier to know that we were not alone in this, but we are one in a massive throng of others, who all share in this unexpected phenomonem.    Welcome to the group, you will get a lot of info and support here, and it will do you good :)

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So many good things can come out of failure but it sure hurts so it is very hard to view the opportunities that are there. Sometimes with hindsight I have said wow if that hadn't happened then I wouldn't have done this or that. In reality though sometimes it is unjust unfair and agonizing and my only accomplishment is recovering from the disappointment of it. But back to good opportunities, it just gets easier to risk once I have already messed up so whatever I just go do something else. I often have my heart set on one thing but then when I looked around at other options there were things I could live with and one of those things was a blessing to do in my life.


I have had shatterings even superglue couldn't fix so I toss away that stuff and just keep going. The trick is dusting off the ego and putting on some lipstick and doing the next thing. I often thought the next thing had to be the perfect thing but sometimes it was just the next step in a line of them.


I wonder if this is helpful now I am reading this am I making it worse? I am really trying to empathize and to encourage you that all is not lost so hold onto hope and just do the next thing whatever it is and keep going,

I admire the risks you have taken and I imagine you are strong and just need some regroup time.

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I think there is a time when it is too early to do some things.  I know it is hard to decide what direction to go in right now for you.  Did you do the training to become a 911 dispatcher or is this course part of what you needed for that?


I did three years of study and never got to the goal I was aiming at many years ago but the information I gained in doing the Diploma did come in handy in various ways.  Don't feel a failure, we all fail in some things, just put it down to experience and remember it happens to us all often due to wrong timing.

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I can relate to what you are feeling. It is hard to try and give it your all and not succeed. I thought i was farther along than i was also. Major reality slap. But this is where you go back to the drawing board and look for a different direction or an alternate plan to work on success. Online classes? Community College?does your state have a Vocational Rehab department? They often have access to more resources. When i was in school I worked as a special services aide to help disabled students in whatever area they needed extra help. I went to classes with them, took notes, whatever. Many schools have a department such as this. Don't give up. Keep looking for new avenues. Don't be afraid to ask for help. The right place and the right time will come along. If you fall off the horse you have to get back in the saddle. You can be strong. We are all. nehind you cheering.

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