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Is it the meds.................???



I got to the neurologist yesterday... to try and figure out my problems with my short term memory, apathy, and fatigue. He suggested that the only thing that might be causing these symptoms might be the pain reliever that i have been using (cymbalta) and suggested a lower dose. That was good information and i started a lower dose this morning. But something about the doctor's suggestion, my experience with a statin i was on (which turned me into a total wreck) and Tony Frasier's recent bout with statin induced myopathy (hope your feeling better Tony) got me to thinking about all of my meds.


I am now taking only 5 meds. One is for blood pressure, one is an anti platelet med, one is for pain/depression, one for anxiety, and one is a sleeping pill. I thought that being on 5 meds was a real achievement as i have been on as many as 9. You all may have read that the things that i have been most concerned about have been my memory, fatigue, and increasing sense of apathy. Okay so..., i spent the morning researching the side effect of all 5 meds (i wrote them down so i wouldn't forget). Common to them all as common or rare side effects were, problems with memory, loss of memory, confusion, impaired cognition, depression and apathy! Four out of 5 had fatigue and trouble sleeping as common to rare side effects. Three of them have the potential of increasing blood pressure or cholesterol, and all of them present various side effects that i suffer, but put them down to affects of the strokes.


I know that since i had the strokes i've been on a steady decline but why the heck is that. i felt 10 times better 3 months after stroking than i do now! I am thinking of weaning myself off of all meds over time to see if i'll recover anything that resembles human... or am i crazy... or have the meds made me crazy? I started reducing with the pain med this morning....


By the way, i did get a referral to a phsychiatrist....


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Dean: based on the fact that you just saw your Neuro and reviewed all your meds with him, I would strongly advise that you not take matters into your own hands.


OK: lets break it down. The Anti-depressant I will give you if you honestly think you don't need it. Based on your recent blogs, the apathy and your down slide, might not be the best choice. Sleeping pill should be as needed, same as the pain medication. So what are we down to: BP and anti-coag. You could call your PCP or Cardio and ask if there isn't something else you could take, with less side effects. But really don't think stopping them altogether is the answer.


Maybe look into your exercise/nap routine. You may have to step that up a bit. Short term memory takes an incredible amount of discipline. Yes, Bruce had me to help him, but you are less cognitively impaired than Bruce. But you absolutely must stick to it every single day - there are no days off. My early blogs mentioned what worked for Bruce. Feel free to message me if you need to.


Good news on the Psychiatrist. Maybe just changing the anti-depressant will help. There are tons to choose from.


Bruce does not have high blood pressure - never did. His Neuro prescribed the BP med to keep Bruce's BP within a certain level to protect his stent and the one functioning Carotid. I let medical people say that Bruce has high BP because I don't want some idiot Clinician discontinuing it because "Mrs. Sparks says he doesn't have BP." LOL.


Also we may have talked about this before, but check your diet - lots of fruits, veggies, lean meats, fish. And you must drink plenty of water if it is OK with your Cardio/PCP.


Prayers and hugs. You are just trying to figure all of this out, just like the rest of us and I hope this helped in some way. Debbie

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Dean :


I so agree with Ethyl. I am no expert in medicines but I saw lot of side effects of any medicines doctors prescribes so I stay away from them & try to get  those medicines from food. I was on antidepressant which I weaned myself off from but substituting that need with cognative therapy in form of my blogging & also by adding routine in my life that helps me big time feeling centered in life.



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I just want to ask you this short term memory situation you mentioned was one of the things you have. Well I have that too and I'm wanting to know if there is a specific med that works well for short term memory loss???


I have to keep asking my wife when we are going to a place she mentioned to me because I forgot what she said and that happens often in my case about what she tells me we are going someplace I don't remember what she said!!!


I take only two meds for pain, gabapentin 300mg and Tramadol 50meg daily morning and evening and I remember most things except where we are going when she tells me in advance!!!

You can email me if you desire!!!

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Hi Debbie,


I really appreciate your advice. You are definitely correct when you advise caution. I have done much research and thank God that my long term memory is unaffected. Having said that, my blood pressure prior to the stroke averaged about 140/85, or high normal. My cholesterol was also in the range of high normal. The side effects of my blood pressure med (amlopidine) include every one of the things that are most bothering me. The Plavix also has the has similar effects but adds the possibilities of vascularitis  and increased BP. The cymbalta i have always taken for pain but thought that it might have the added benefit of lifting my mood (yet i remain skeptical of the latter). The sleeping med (zopliclone) i admit i am addicted to and it also has all of the negative side effects that i'm concerned about and also presents the biggest hurdle to overcome. The final drug that i take for anxiety (lorazepam) its biggest problem for me may be impaired cognition and it also impairs memory.


So, i know that i have to  proceed with caution. Considering that i've had 3 strokes for which no obvious cause has been found yet, it makes sense that i proceed cautiously. At this point the most likely cause seems to be paroxisimal A-fib and i am seeing a cardio in january about this. So in light of the clots possibly forming in my heart it is probably plavix that i will stay on at  a half dose.


Essentially what i am trying to do is present my body a situation much like one would in trying to determine food allergies. Does this make sense (i mean this sincerely)?


In all sincerity, life the way i know it can be (and was immediately after my strokes) i think is a possibility. I can find out now whether it is the drugs that are taking away all of my color or i can continue to deteriorate. And if i continue to deteriorate, existing as i am, it's not a life.


I am truly blessed to have those such as you with wisdom, insight, and experience to guide my journey.  (P.S i would message you but i haven't figured out how to use it yet!)



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Hi Asha,


You are right in that i listen to the good advice of Debbie, thank you. I also think that if we pay attention to our bodies and minds (what little is left) that the two of them can tell us what we are doing right and wrong and i am just at that place where they are both telling me that i am scr***ed if i don't make some changes. I agree that we should be able to get all we need from good food, but as i have been  falling behind on energy i have also been falling behind on remembering not only to eat, but to eat well. Debbie pointed this out too! When your mind is so foggy and you don't have the energy to think let alone cook... well something has gotta give.


You also suggest CBT and that was one of the reasons i am doing this, like you (but it was truly out of desperation in my case).   I don't know if i am capable of meditation anymore but am thinking that it may another one of those points of balance. I have little routine now excepting waking, eating, and sleeping. The blog is a routine that i  am getting used to....

I would be pleased to chat with you about getting your medicines from food (in other words i could use some help). Thank you so much...!



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Cymbalta is an ugly drug. There are others with less emotional and psychological,side effects. Don't be afraid to seek out a second medical opinion. Sometimes it is the combination of drugs. Not all doctors are created equal either. I had fibromyalgia and when i stopped my cholesterol meds all my pains went away.

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