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more thoughts on Christmas



I am sitting here thinking about Life. Not a good idea as the busier I am the happier I am. But I spent all day writing out Christmas cards yesterday and I feel less Christmassy than before I stated. Seems as if it is a waste of time, paper in, paper out, words in, words floating out into space like released party balloons never to be seen again.. I think it is because there is not a good news story here, just the bumbling day by day event that I call my life. I think I am tired of keeping up appearances and that is why this Christmas, the third since Ray died and my first without family close by is the hardest so far.


I can't remember being less enthusiastic about Christmas than I am this year. I will be hosting dinner on Christmas night for my family from the south, Shirley and her family but they will have had a huge lunch at Craig's brother's place so I know they will only want a light meal here. They will be staying a couple of nights though so perhaps the day after Christmas will seem more like Christmas Day for me with family around and a lot of hustle and bustle. Family around does make a big difference to how I feel about life. I was hoping by now I would be content with living on my own but I think that goal is a lot further off than I thought.


The boys I will not see till late summer so I will just phone them with my greetings. My younger son Trevor has been in a bad way since his wife left him four weeks ago and I have been in contact daily as has his sister. He is moving out of the marital home at last into a tiny miners cottage that will be just big enough for himself and his daughter Alice when she is there. At least this will be a fresh start for him and he will have a base again. He had to see out the lease in the other house so it was full of bad memories and contributed to the way he was feeling.


So what will I do on Christmas Day? I will go to church, go to a friend's for lunch, then be home in time to prepare a light dinner. I thought of going just down to the park and having a picnic there but it seems like a lot of effort as they will be here for a couple of days we will have opportunities to do that on Boxing Day. The tree is up, some tinsel draped so there are some decorations and it looks like Granma is celebrating Christmas even if she is not really doing so in her heart.

I have just replied to the cards I have been sent. I know this will mean a lot of post Christmas letters as I will get some on Christmas Eve but I thought I would do it this way so I know how many just send a reply. With Facebook and emails now a lot of people don't send out cards anyway.


I have been busy with the Christmas Stocking ticket selling and church and a lot of side issues. Life is closing down for Christmas in Australia as it always has. I usually read through January but might do some of the small trips I have been putting off. I know the trains will be crowded, the weather hot etc but I need to keep busy. I know that seems to be my theme lately but I know it works for me, less time on my hands, less time to feel how empty my life is and to feel sorry for myself.


Time was I would look around me and find some lonely person to come and share our Christmas Day with, looking further down the track that person may be me with some kind church family offering to have me over for lunch and looking to make sure this old lady from church is enjoying herself. I don't know if that will be good or not. Maybe those I invited over looked happy enough but inside were wondering how long they had to stay before someone would drop them home into the pool of silence in which they were accustomed to live?


Where would I like to be? On a site called Widowed Village where I keep another blog I wrote about that:




It is not meant to be a sad blog, for me it was just a trip down memory lane. I know people think I am doing great and to a certain extent I am taking back my life now but there is still a part of me that is sad and lonely and without direction. I am like a search engine looking for that one small story that will make everything else in my life make sense. Maybe that will happen one day, maybe not.


Merry Christmas everybody and a good outcome for all in 2015.


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Had a good week, busy and with some social activity.  Still not looking forward to Christmas Day but then the family factor is not there that made it special for me. At my age gifts are unimportant, what I loved was watching little faces as the children opened their presents, and Ray's dear face as he watched them doing it.  Good times now past times.

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Dear Sue you have shared so much with others and I hope you know that your life is certainly about that boring daily grind but that it is the ultimate in meaning and importance. How do I know this well because I lost mine and that is how life teaches me lol it takes it away and then the ah ha moment that comes and reveals that what was the most insignificant stuff is the most missed and most important. And any time we "see" someone in a card or email or phone call we are doing a huge thing for them and for us and so those words may settle in a forever home heart and we just don't ever know about it. I hope you know how important you are and your work is an extension of you so it has an impact just like you.  I understand life is sadder without Ray and without a houseful or lifeful of kids around but you still have so many you are taking care of. Sue it seems to me that your heart is full of Christmas all year long so perhaps that is why it doesn't seem so out of the ordinary time for you.  You have built a life up now and although you didn't have a stroke, you are my role model of a woman reinventing herself after loss.  And you are going to do all the things I wish I could do which is cook for people, ride a crowded train somewhere. Good times are never past. Oh I sure miss the old days for sure and I would love to go back but I know that someplace there is more where that came from. I really think that Ray would give his blessing because the wife Sue is the you Sue now.    Ok that was confusing but you get it I hope.  And a good ol boring Christmas day can be a blessing too.  I hope you know that you do a great service on here catching all the messages in a bottle sent on here.  God bless you Sue.

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Hello Sue, like Say aid, you do so much good here, please don't think you  don't do good. I remember when I first came on Stroke net,  you were one of the first person to welcome me! God bless you.  Your direction is  been there for people like me who just needed a word, nothing fancy, just a little word that told me some one cared. To me, you are the clog, that keeps the wheel turning.  Thank you Sue for what you do.


Merry Christmas, God bless


Love and Hugs



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Sue -- always know for me - you are a light-- with out you and your experiences ( sad as they have been and are) I could not see… that light you have keeps me from being to lost… and right now I am lost your entry on my blog and reading this blog - remind me others have been where I am -- I am just stretching my neck to far trying to see the future and now i am disoriented --- god I hope that resolves and SOON !!

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