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Doctor's Appt This Morning And One more in March 2015



I'm getting better in a sense and back to a decent stage of health after this knee operation to tie the tendons back together with the muscles that controls my leg movements up and down!! The doctor was pleased somewhat but I couldn't straighten my leg completely straight out for him... I told him I had been driving my car operating the brake and gas pedals real good so he just said OK...


My wife went there with me, she drove in the driving rain, we got wet getting out the car and me getting on my scooter but that's my luck... We were all dry by the time we went in his office for the early appointment!!


Now, one more appointment with him in March next year and I should be cleared to do anything I need to do by myself especially driving my car!!! I thought he would say something about me not being able to straighten the leg completely out like him having to operate on that knee/leg again... But he didn't say!!


My left side is still my weak side but I'm able to use it in standing up from a chair, the bed, and from my scooter, to me that is a blessing at my age now!!! So I suppose using a power scooter will be with me for a long time to come and I won't need to use it in the house just out and about in malls shopping and the casinos...


I had been driving my grand daughter to school when my wife has to be at her job early mornings to open the bank that week!!! Her mom has to be at work at 630am but she picks her up from school in the evenings so that saves me an evening trip to the school...


My wife has two kids, I got two also and her daughter is still at home with us with her 10 year old daughter I take to school... My daughter is incarcerated serving 5 years in state due to be released in 2016 and she is 50 years old and knew better than to do what she did!!! I never hear from my son anymore and her son is aide to our pastor. He is married to a beautiful lady and they got their own home...


My wife and I get along so well for this being her second marriage and my fourth and last one to her... We got our home paid off last year and plots in the Veterans Cemetery already paid up... That was a great deal to get out the way at our ages now!!!


My wife wants to be still at the bank until she is 70 years of age, she loves banking and was in it since high school and all through college... I guess it's in her blood?!! Maybe one day we'll have some money she can sit at home and count but she loves serving people at the bank windows and I figure I'll never have enough for her to count being retired after the stroke 10 years ago and on Social Security!!!


So life hasn't been too bad for me it was just the wives I had until now with the third one tried to eliminate me with one shot but I survived and here I am after the stroke a very happy husband for this wife!!! God is good and He is keeping me here with her... I'm very thankful for her being by my side...


Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, A Very Happy New Year To All Of You and great health.........See Ya!


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Fred, lovely to hear your praise of your wife, many wives never get to hear that. You are a survivor in many ways and your recovery from each setback is remarkable and well deserved.  May you have many happy married years ahead of you.


Merry Christmas to you and yours and a happy and healthy 2015.



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Thanks Sue, I just hate I missed my trip to visit you all before your hubby passed away but still want to give my wife a trip there so she can see and perhaps hold a quala bear up close, she is an animal lover!!!

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good to hear from you fred!  your third wife missed you with one shot! good thing she didn't reload.  and I am very happy she did miss.  I just visited the mother of my children this past weekend and we had a nice visit.  I think my stroke has changed my attitude a lot and maybe it has also changed hers.

take care my friend and always nice to hear what you are up to.


kind regards


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Thanks David glad life is moving along for you and you both had a great visit with each other which is always good for the children too!! Yea David she had a hot temper I had moved out left her the house when she came where I was living and shot when I wasn't looking!!!


Hope you have a great Xmas for/with the kiddos tomorrow!!

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Hi Fred, please that you are alive and now happily married!  I love your outlook on life, just have to think positive. My husband  and I both on second marriage, 21years, we have our ups and downs but more up and a lot of laughing.  He has two girls and I have one, all grown women, who did not listen to us, so now they have babies, but only one has a husband.  We have a son together, who listens and is getting ready to finish college next year!.   We have seven grandkids, who we love, just can not remember the names lol   God is good.


Have a great Christmas,    watching your Grand daughter will bring so much joy.



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