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day146 12.26.14 grandma wishes you all a merry xmas & a happy new year



Hello there stroke network,


Grandma is doing ok, well actually great. She and I would like to wish you all a belated very happy x-mas...and a healthy, hopeful and happy new year full of times where you and we are all aware of ourselves.


Grandma Adile still cant talk, can mummble some words but she needs to practice with a speech therapist, probably in the new year.


Her eldest daughter, my auntie Nursun has came to visit her with her 2 daughters (my nieces Burge and Gunce) and her grandson, Beliz (14yrs old little lady) some weeks ago. She stayed with grandma for nearly 2 weeks...gave mom some time off...=) Grandma Adile was very happy to see her first child next to her, she started crying when she saw her...she felt great I believe...


Grandma Adile is very very sensitive these days, way too much sensitive, and we cant know why. She seems very attached to my mother, gets worried when mom is late to visit her...etc... that's an interesting point to mention.


Anyway, her fight is still on...and I really am grateful to meet you all, your help within the last half of this year boosted grandma's healing process.


I am wishing you all health, happiness and joy in 2015 and hope 2015 is the year the world starts to realise that we are the only cure to ourselves, love is the only cure. As Carl Sagan once said, "there s no hint that help will come from elsewhere (deep space), we might be alone in the universe, and we are the only ones who could save us from ourselves"...



happy new year all...




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Cagin, your Mum is your Grandmother's security.  She trusts her to be with her and do what she needs to do.  It is often so with those who have had a stroke or other reason for brain damage.  It is a good sign in some ways but difficult for the person who is the object of this dependence.  It was the same with my husband, he wanted me to stay by his side, not always something that is possible to do.


I am glad you had your Aunt come to take some of the burden off your Mum, that was good.  The more helpers the better it is for the main carer. Yes, the fight still goes on and she will need all the support she can get, including from you.

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Hello Cagin,  hope your Christmas went well.   Please that your Aunty came, always good when family get together, and help one another. 


Do have a Happy New Year


God bless



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