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3 Weeks in Hell



Buck was doing so well at the hospital 22 days after his brain stem stroke. I was told it was finally time to move him to a nursing home. In Oklahoma I was told by the hospital social worker that there was only 2 nursing homes that would admit a patient with a traek. The best and closest one was two hours away. It was Wellington Hills in Eufaula OK. The director of social services said they were willing to take him even though we did not have insurance. The administrator of the nursing home came to Bucks room and agreed to admit him. A few days before this the nurses had Buck out of bed and actually standing with assistance! Buck and I had worked hard doing PT and OC therapy everyday. He was starting to be able to move one arm and both legs. The nurses were all amazed by our hard work and his amazing progress.


I followed the ambulance to the nursing home. I was only able to visit once a week because it was so far away. The director said they would continue to do range of motion exercises. I called everyday and asked them to tell him I loved him and inquire about his progress. I received so much good news! Shortly after the director called me shouting that he was being evicted because we didn't have insurance. I told him that I was told that he knew that by the social director of the hospital. He continued to shout at me and yelled, "HE'S GOING TO DIE ANYWAY!! Long story short, they never cleaned him and left him to rot in his urine and *beep*. Even though they agreed to have him face the door instead of the wall they never moved him in any way. 5 days ago he was rushed by ambulance to the nearest hospital in Tulsa. The admitting nurse told me she had never seen such a bad case of neglect in her life. He had a huge bed sore and several infections. It took 2 hours just to clean the *beep* off of him. They weren't sure he would survive the night. I was so angry i kicked a hole in my wall and it took two neighbors to hold me down and calm me. He is still alive but is hooked up to 11 IV's and other shots during the day. They never told him I had called once. I'm sure he felt I had abandoned him.


I called the Eufaula police department who refused to file a report as well as the Oklahoma State Police, and Sheriffs office. I finally called a national law firm that after a short investigation has taken the case. 8 years ago my Mom was abused, neglected, and possibly raped by a Tulsa nursing home and barely survived. Two years ago that nursing home agreed to a settlement agreement and we have yet to see a dime. I stayed withher everyday for 8 to 10 hours a day and all of the abuse still happened.


Buck is alive but back in the ICU. Wellington Hills in Eufaula evidently never suctioned his lungs and left him to rot except for the days we visited. He is completely tramatized but finally calming down with me by his side everyday. He is back at square one or worse. God Bless my sweet husband. Today he started trying to move again. We cannot do any therapy due to the massive pain he is in and his injuries. We have to keep him on pain meds and 4 of the strongest antibiotics on the market. Today was the first day that the fluid levels from suctioning his airway has finally diminished. Between fighting to keep him stable in critical condition and working on both law suits I am a mess. What the f*ck is wrong with Oklahoma? I am also busy contacting the media and every official I know. Oklahoma is 49th in the country for the worst care in nursing homes and our VA homes. Please pray for him and spread the word about the horrific treatment of nursing home "care" in Oklahoma. I will not stop until this *beep* director is prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


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I can understand how mad you are at the system and this home in particular.  He has another chance now but what can be done to make sure this never happens to anyone else? l guess legal action if you can afford it.  It seems those without insurance are really badly treated in your area. So sorry this has happened to you and to Buck.

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Sue, I have already retained a national firm that took the case after reviewing his admittance records. Attornies jump at the chance to take these cases on a contingency basis if the facts are overwhelming. So always contact an attorny since there is no money required up front. Only if they win your case do they get paid.


Even with insurance this nursing home is only one of 2 in the entire area that can accomodate vent patients. I have also found out the hard way that even IF you have the best insurance a patient with only one family member to hold everything together receives inferior care over a patient with multiple family members that can make sure the patient always has someone by their side around the clock.


I belong to the group called "A PERFECT CAUSE". We are advocates for nursing home and VA hospital abuse here in Oklahoma. Through our meetings and the many stories I have learned that nursing home abuse occurs just as frequently with insurance as it does without. My Mother had excellent insurance and the nursing home she was in nearly murdered her.


We all need to be aware of these facts wherever we live. Imagine being locked in your body, starved, beaten, and God knows what else. When you report abuse or other problems with a nursing home to the State of Oklahoma they in turn call the nursing home to tell them of the exact complaint before showing up to investigate 24 to 48 hours later. The nursing home covers up the problem and by the time the state investigators show up all complaints are written off as invalid.

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Buck is dying. Scans show his entire brain is going fast. Arteries are shutting down. We will be taking him off all the machines this week and letting him go. It's so hard to watch. Everyone is coming by to say their final goodbyes.

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Oh Molly. I am so sorry. Please go easy, best you can. Stay close and know that you and your whole family are in my prayers. Debbie

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Molly you rescued Buck and never abandoned him and he knows that now. He is with you and those he loves around him now which is all that counts. I hope you are enveloped with serenity that you can share peace with Buck and take time to cherish the memories of your life and love together. There will be time to kick more holes in some walls later. Today is for Buck.


This is outrageous and I am sure you are documenting all of this thoroughly and you sound like you are savvy about the legal workings.  Go get them.  But please take time to cherish the time left with Buck and help him find tranquility beyond this experience and reminisce on the best of memories and important now moments for yourself. 


Expose these criminals that mistreat vulnerable patients. I am sure you have a list of appropriate contacts.  Unfortunately this is not a problem just in Oklahoma or in small towns, as this is a national problem which can only be prevented with exposure and accountability.


You did the best for your Mother and no one should have to be there all the time watching out for criminal acts by caregivers in a professional setting no less.  You have been a good daughter and a good wife and you have strength in this situation. Keep calm and take care of your health though is my only thought because you will have clarity and persistence on your side then. This is a hard time and you will need rest and time so I hope you have a good team that will work on your/Buck's behalf so you can have time for what you need to do.  I am confident that the director will have karma chasing him. How dare he say and do those things.

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Molly, I don't know what to say but my prayers are going up, I pray Buck will be OK after some time and God's love... There is always something for us to worry about these days... I think you didn't see this coming they kept it hid!!


My wife knows I just want to stay at home with her until I'm gone we have discussed that several times in the last ten years... Not even a VA facility for me, no way!!!

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My heart goes out to you and your family. I am praying for Buck's peace and tranquility. How horrible all of this has been. No one should have to go thru this. God be with you.

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Molly you and your husband are in my prayers. Your story sounds a lot like mine. Being so far away from my fiance and I would call every night and say I love you and they never told him. Now I pray his children keep him posted. Please keep my fiance and our family in your prayers as well. It is two months post stroke and he is still not moving much but he has come off the vent and has been off. That is great news. He has since moved from the L tack to a nursing home but I am so scared. God bless you. I pray everything works out. Keep me posted please. 

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