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We Made It Through CHRISTMAS With Lots To Be Thankful About



Here we are as a group of stroke survivors and care givers, family and friends alike being very thankful to have come this far in our recovery, caring for our loved ones, knowing that one day we shall be much better physically than we are this day!!!!


All of us can rejoice in that we saw another Christmas day in our very long battle to get better in every way God intended for our well being... Our prayers and the prayers of many others has helped all of us overcome what we faced years ago without knowing where we would be this Christmas 2014...


It takes a village to raise a kid I'm told and the same village here at Stroke Net has made our daily being a member here so pleasant and enjoyable while we get better day by day, month by month, and year by year in the name of God!!!!!


"We must all continue to believe we can get better and do whatever we can to achieve that goal." Peace and more recovery for every member here this day after CHRISTMAS is our way to one day walk again!!!


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Fred :


you are so right  I feel stroknetwork filled my void of my village in getting me a stroke survivor to be in happy place one more time. I am so delighted you were all part of my journey



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Merry Christmas Fred -- thinking of you..nancyl --- ti has been a long time, just not feeling all that great-- myself , but you are important to me and I wanted to greet you !

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I hope all is well with each of you this Christmas and of course if you are used to cold weather then I know your Christmas was great even if you only got three presents!! Oh, I didn't get any yet and I stayed out of the kitchen!!


Now it's get ready for the NEW YEAR 2015... Are you ready yet??

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Hi Fred, great words, and I am ready for 2015.  Please that I made it, feeling  good with me walking and going to the center.  At the center I am meeting people who I now keep in contract  by talking on the phone, and they will drive so we can go shopping, or go to their house and drink tea!  


My Christmas  was good, my husband' family were good, and we laughed a lot.  My husband daughter I full of drama, but I am not going down that road.


Fred, happy new Year to you and your family


God bless



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