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Reunion part II



Well, Jerry (also known as J) had more fun than I did! He actually went to High School with most of my cousins. (J alway's lived in Highland Park, I moved to Wisconsin my freshman year) - We met because his brother married my cousin but, that's a whole different story.


I wish I had Jean's Don there, to make friends with all the people!


I didn't know half of them and didn't remember the other half, if I ever knew them! I just tried to be polite.


I'm not good with being kissed by strangers and really need a shower right now!!!


I had 2 heroes there, (-my beloved husband who said he'd be at my side - was off talking to people!!!) my son Ryan , and my cousin Peter.


I hated Peter when I was a kid !!! But now he works for the Cancer Center's Of America, and he's compassionate, and very caring. This is the kid that used to smear lightening bugs on telephone poles just to see the glow!! Today, He was my defensive line - and did most of my talking - He deflected a lot of stupid stuff!


Ryan was my best friend - my hand holder on rocky ground - the one I leaned on for family pictures - the kid that worried if I was too hot or getting too much sun - just a damn good kid! I wonder what I'll owe him tomorrow (lol - he is 14 you know, they always have an ulterior motive) - he was so sweet today !!


I answered a lot of questions - handed out a lot of strokenet business cards - and watched my husband become one of the family!


We'v been married over 20 years, and today he learned the difference between tortellini and tortellacci, - I've been making both for years!!!


It wasn't a bad thing - this family reunion - but, I still would rather clean the bathtub! J and Ryan are ready to plan the next one and that makes me laugh -


The Irishmen have just become Italian - who'd believe it !???


For all your support - fritella and virtual Zuppe Englaisa are headed your way - Thank you friends!!






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i want your recipe for tortelacci. i may be of french descent, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE ITALIAN FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH A CAPITAL L.


question, how do you eat all of that italian food if you don't like white cheese? uhm.gifuhm.gifuhm.gif



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[bVickie, I'm glad it went as well as it did; it could have been a lot worse. Now it's over and you can either go or not go the next time - that is if the Irishman and 1/2 Irishman will allow that. biggrin2.gif


Put the recipes on the message board so we all can at least drool, even if we don't make them.



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