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We were making great strides with Bob's dental care, and I was determined to make his cleanings less problematic by really going for it at home - brushings, flossings, and even a phillips sonicare to improve his gums. I squeezed in another dental for him in december, because he could get another, just to try to keep his gums from getting worst. His big problem is that his teeth are really strong and all the dentists say things like, 'those teeth are going to last forever'!!! BUT, they never, not one of them, ever, said, you are brushing your teeth so hard you are losing gum tissue. So now, even after brushing and using the sonicare extreme vibrating brush, he still has food between every tooth, because there is no gum to keep it out. ANYWAY, so I was determined that he would not lose his teeth and I was going to make sure he got the most and best care. USUALLY, we will not go to the dentist in flu season, for the obvious. But, against my own rules, I thought, we've had the flu shots, quit being paranoid.... you know, it's not paranoid if it's true! We went in on the 9th of Dec, and by the 12th of Dec Bob was sick as a dog. By the 14th, I was too. We laid on our backs coughing our brains out for 3 weeks. We did have meds, which I believe saved our lives. But we still have leftovers and are not done with this. It seems that Bob improves over these things more than me - I never do well. I keep thinking I'm better, than feel worse again. We were not sure if we should son & fiance come for Christmas, but decided that we were over the contagious stage, even if we were no fun and couldn't do anything. They did help us by running for us and it was good to have help for a change, when we were down and needed it.


Now for the UP news. Since all this happened, and Bob is improved, just around Jan 1, it seems he is not needing his nap anymore, and began having trouble sleeping! I told him, it must be because your brain is more active! Remember before I mentioned about how I could tell he was thinking things thru more and trying to discuss things more? So, I told him, we will need to increase your physical stuff so you get tired enough to sleep. That is very good! He is coming up on 3 years at the end of Feb and this is a new thing for him - just incase someone told you people stop improving - they don't! :)


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We all know now there is always more to improve on with any stroke survivor because I been there and am now trying to get over this knee operation so I can walk again without the worry of falling...


Bob is going to be alright with a little more time, I'm having a few setbacks right now myself so time will tell me I'm Okay again...

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Sorry to hear you and Bob have been so sick Sandy, I hope you are over the worst of it now.  I'm glad your children did help out when they came at Christmastime. Strange that Bob's sleeping suddenly became less, but as you say things do change and now you have to keep him occupied so you can get him to sleep at night.  I often wonder if this sort of change could be triggered medically if the brain sometimes does it automatically.

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He was beginning to think more before we got sick.   So, it may just be a natural progression that was stopped by a month of being down the hatch, and has now resumed.

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good news about bob's improvement sandy. and its good for anyone on the net also!

about teeth:  I had very bad periodontal problems until about 20 years ago I realized that the culprits were bacteria and guess what they have to eat and so if they don't have any food they are not going to do well.  I have room between my teeth for a proxibrush and so do the following.  1 go around with proxibrush (from front and back) and then go around with floss.  and then do the same 2 more times.  the two extra times takes anything you might have missed and you always miss something!  this procedure has really worked and so that apart from the damage that 60 years of not doing this created it has made me essentially periodontal in control.

I only do this once a day.  be silly to spend all of your time doing your teeth(lol).


best wishes


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Sandy: first off Happy New Year to you and Bob!


So sorry about your illnesses, especially right before Christmas. I know it is a special time for you all. But glad you enjoyed the visit with your son and his fiance. Take care, rest up, hydrate.


Bruce just got the first really great dental check up report since his stroke - like you, have tried everything. So I know how great that feels - all that work finally pays off!


Yes, the cognitive improvement is always such a gift - Mr. Bob is in for some extra exercising - LOL. Best - Debbie

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