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New direction



Well it has been awhile since I posted. Life has been extremely busy. The quick story is that we (Lesley and I) are selling our house and moving to Tennessee. We have been contemplating it for some time, but I was not ready to give up my fishing here in summer just yet.


We have been cutting our fall RV trip short because of the need to get back here (Northern MN) before winter sets in. All the winter activities that drew us here in the first place 10 years ago we no longer do. Living in such a remote area (125 miles to nearest Walmart!) gets tougher every year. It finally dawned on us that having a house here when we really only look forward to the short summer just doesn't make sense any longer. So when Lesley said she would drive our truck up here and we can stay in our RV for the summer and I can fish to my hearts content, I knew we were moving.


Why Tennessee? We spent 9 months in North Eastern TN when Lesley was a travel nurse. We really liked it. The climate is very moderate, not too hot in summer and just enough winter to have 4 seasons.


So in early Dec we advertised our house ourselves and got a contract on it three weeks later. Closing is scheduled for Jan 23, 2015 and we intend to be heading south later that day weather permitting.


Since it became known we are leaving but coming back for the summers, at last count 4 people have offered us a place to park our motorhome and not stay in the city campground. Others have volunteered to store our moose meat and venison. Another is storing our Alfa Romeo sports car and has offered to drive it to Tennessee once we get settled there, others are storing our canoes so we do not have to drag them all the way from TN to MN. People are sure kind.


So off we go. Lesley and I have been as busy as any two beavers could be the past month. Selling stuff, making plans, etc, etc.


Lesley has finally gotten over her bout of pancreatitis and is well now, but it really shook her up realizing that she is not immortal after all.


Well that is our short story, health wise I am doing fine, just the usual stuff that comes with being a stroke survivor and a senior citizen.


My coffee cup is empty......


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Exciting news!  I know we will have to make the move eventually ourselves, the house is too much for me to take care of by myself anymore.  We too have been selling everything we have since Ray came home from the hospital, better than money in the bank!

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George that is a big move but by keeping your ties to the community it will be easier to make.  Hope you can still have a lot of wonderful summers there.  I would do the same if I lived as remotely as you do, you need a few mod cons as you age. I hope this is a move that will benefit both of you and bring much joy into your life.

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Wow! Moving is hard business, and moving a long distance has got to be harder.    But you are so right about weather and remote living.   You will have more fun in a warmer climate at this time in your lives.    I can't wait till you find your niew home and tell us what you like about it.

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Good wishes for you both and I have to say I wish now we had kept our motor home when we bought this house but perhaps we did the best thing since I been operated on lately and may not be going as much anymore to need the motor home!!!


Take care my friends!!

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