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the most boring job in the world



So I've been at my new job for a couple of weeks now and I have determined that it's the most boring job in the world. I'm growing callouses on my behind from sitting in a chair and reviewing loans all day to make sure the right information was entered on the system. Coming from the accounting world, I'm used to a more mentally active job. On the other hand, there's no overtime required, no stress, no customer contact and as long as I work 35 hours a week I can take whatever time I need for therapy without burning all my PTO time - plus it pays the bills.


I'm replanning my trip to Memphis that I had to cancel last June because of the stroke. I asked a friend if she wanted to go with me but I haven't heard back from her yet. If she can't go I'm going to be by myself because my son hates to travel and opted to stay home and take care of the cats instead. I'm taking the train so the only driving involved is back and forth to the train station which is about an hour away. I will admit I'm a little anxious about the trip since I haven't traveled since the stroke, let alone by myself.


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After my husband's stroke I was terrified at the thought of long distance travel.  But people are so nice, you won't believe it.   We've  done cruises (with Nancy and Dan!) an airplane trip across the country, and especially trains, both local and Amtrak,  since that was a thing my husband loved before.  We took the train from NYC all the way to Atlanta Ga, and it was a snap!  Do it and enjoy!!  It's really relaxing. You let them know ahead of time, and believe me they will be waiting with open arms to help you board.

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I had a boring job for a couple of years.  I liked it because it was undemanding and I was doing a course of study at the time so it didn't stop me from wanting to learn something else. Sometimes boring is good. You can do a lot of thinking while doing a boring job.


I'm glad you are planning a trip, good to have some more exciting goals.  As Colleen said there should be plenty of help available and we will be waiting here for the blog with all the  details of your adventures.

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Just think of all shopping money you are earning for your vacation trip!!! The most boring job in the world is going to buy some awesome clothing on vacation and a spa trip too. Oh wait I am not going on this vacation. But I sure need to plan one of my own.  I think you are brave to go travel and get out of the house and go do things in your life that you wanted to do and reclaim that ground. I also envy that you are back in the working world. I know that it may not be what you did before and perhaps they need to verify that you can do it or perhaps they worry that it will be stressful. No one understands how stressful boredom and mediocre can really be. But hang in. they will soon see as you prove yourself.  In the meantime just daydream about that vacation and google restaurants to enjoy and make reservations.

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I hate to tell you this, SassyBetsy, but I'm not much of a shopper so I doubt I'll be buying any clothes. I doubt I'll get to a spa, either. I'm going to be spending all my time sightseeing - or at least as much as my bum leg will let me do. Fortunately most of the things I want to do are near my hotel or I can get there on public transportation - I'm really looking forward to riding the trolley car.

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