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folly down



hard fall yesterday. was out for my little walk and did not have my heavy carhart jacket on but my light spring jacket . coming back was ~ 1mi from home when my right boot snagged my left boot. when something like this happens there are no options but down! and my right arm was by my side so my right shoulder took a hard hit on the road followed by a hit on my hip. when this happened I had enough endorphins so that was not particularly aware of the damage. a little later developed that I cannot lift arm higher than stomach and possible but pain in walking. made appointment with dr on Thursday. I don't think anything is broken just well mashed.

last nite was not a lot of fun. ibuprofen probably helped but from 2-4am much discomfort. gave me a slight realization of what some are enduring. but if the truth be known, I'd rather read about it than experience it(lol).

this morning when I am not doing anything the pain situation is not bad. which is good. and it could have been a lot worse.

about 30 years ago I was running before work. out 4 then back about 3mi out a dog hit me from the side.(it was probably trying to avoid me but misjudged). left foot snagged right leg and down I went. turned around and when I got back home decided to go to ER. and definitely couldn't drive so called a taxi. I almost wasn't able to walk to taxi. at hospital apart any physical problems they thought I was in shock, which I probably was. turned out I had a slight fracture of my elbo, they could see nothing in the hip but walking was extremely painful and for the next month or so used a cane.

when I fell yesterday I knew the fall was hard and that being that I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis was very worried that I might have broke something as I am also 72. seems like kind of a silly way to test the breaking point of my bones! my plan is not to do that again(lol).

regards from a limping follys,



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Sorry about your fall, David.  Hope you heal soon.  I used to fall/trip a lot post stroke and usually with resulting broken bone(s). I have osteoporosis, too.  I've had more broken bones than I can count and with only one functional side of my body to work with I don't have much to fall back on.  I did something though, at the suggestion of a therapist, that literally changed the trajectory of my life and well being.  Restorative Yoga with a Yoga instructor who has experience working with stroke survivors vastly improved my balance and coordination.  I haven't fallen since beginning my Yoga practice 4 years ago and when I have caught my foot and tripped, as I still do sometimes, I have managed to recover my footing without incident.  I progressed from restorative Yoga to Yoga that my instructor adapted to my special needs.  The difference in my overall strength and my ability to stay upright when I want to be upright is amazing.  It may not work for everyone the way it has for me, but if you can swing it it may be worth a try.  I'd recommend it to anyone who has had a stroke.  

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Best of luck with the doctor visit tomorrow, let us know what happens.  Do you have EMT/ambulance servicethere, because I think this might have been a good time for a free trip to the ER, if only for better pain killers.    I used to put off calling them, but have learned over time that sometimes it's the right thing to do.

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Well we are old but well put together I suppose, I have fallen lately but nothing like my ride on that shuttle bus a few months back. My knee is healing up pretty good but my paralyzed side lets me know I still got a ways to go in walking better...


Hope you overcome the fall pretty quick!!!

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Dave :


falling for us survivors is so easy, hope nothing is broken for you & you are just banged up. please update us after your doctor visit



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David: so sorry, and I do pray Doctor finds nothing but some bruising. You know that will take some time to heal, but just so glad it wasn't worse. Go easy, lots of rest and please do let us know. Debbie

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David I agree you are taking this empathy thing much too far so don't be getting hurt anymore LOL.


Sending you my warmest regards and prayers.


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thank you all for your kind wishes.

saw dr -- orthopedic surgeon, a good guy I have seen him several times in past-- and would you believe no fractures!!  couldn't tell it from how I feel but leaving his office I did feel so much better.

my hip he thought bruised the bursor - the sheath surrounding the tendon and he thought that would clear up faster than shoulder.

and he saw no damage to rotator cuff which I was worried about as I have known some of my friends with this problem and it as a lot of stuff in life is not a lot of fun!


he did say that I should not baby it and in fact keep moving it as much as I could as what he called stiffening could set in and when it does your shoulder gets kind of locked.


I must say that due to previous diagnosis of osteoporosis I was a bit surprised that the shock I gave it did not break something.


follys does not if he can help it do further testing of his bone brittelness(lol).


best wishes to all,


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Hey Dave

So happy for you no fractures woohoo hope you heal soon and go back to your old normal soon hope to see you in chat soon



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Good report David, glad there wasn't too much damage,aches and pains are the usual result after falling but do fade with time.  Do be careful but don't be worried is my advice.

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