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it takes courage to believe best is yet to come



as you all know we are going through college application process right now. & his high SAT scores & good GPA has made us apply to all top tier & second tier colleges. Its hard to accept rejection letters from lot of this colleges. I get so scared & discouraged about what lies in future for our son. Initially he was interested in direct medical program & now he is changing his mind & thinking about going usual route of doing bachelors & then going for medical school which scares me thinking hope he does not change his mind due to fierce competition. currently all this home stress is causing me to have weird stroke like symptoms which is scaring all of us so much.Its so hard to detach myself from all this melodrama of my life right now. One would think going through my own stroke adversity must have taught me thing or two about how to deal with all this uncertainties in life. I guess I still have lot to lean in this life's journey. It really takes courage to believe best is yet to come is my new mantra now




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Yes, it does take courage to go on believing the best is yet to come when the setbacks occur.  But the journey we have done tells us that it is that courage, combined with patience that allows us to keep hope live.  Whatever happens is the right outcome, what is best for everyone. (((hugs)))

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You are so right and we must BELIEVE that fact and when it comes we are ready to accept what has come our way by the grace of the father... I know for 11 years now I have come a long, long way in my recovery just as you and many others have done....



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Dearest sweet Asha as a MOM I so know the pain and turmoil of worrying about kiddos and it is agonizing to us when they are disappointed or hurting.

I hope you may find a resting place with comfort and peace that will radiate into your family home and bring a calmness as you wait for answers to be revealed.



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I've been where you are, twice before stroke and once after it. I didn't learn to let go before the stroke, and surviving that didn't help me learn to let go when it was kid #3's turn to apply to college either. To make matters worse, NONE of them wanted to go to the same college as his/her brother/sister.


Rejection letters are part of the process. The top schools get so many applicants that they can't accept everyone, even the best students. I've been there too. All the kids graduated with honors and "aced" their SAT tests, scoring high. They still got lots and lots of rejection letters. I don't know who was more discouraged, them or me. Hang in there. One of those schools will offer him a place, probably more than 1. Then your biggest worry will be which school to accept placement at, and how to make sure he has everything he will need for dorm life, if he goes to a school far from home or out of state. The next 4 years will be filled with trying to learn to let go and let him be a college student.... it doesn't end. LOL the good thing is, as with life after stroke, we really do learn to handle it with less anxiety and worry..... for being a mother. Chin up, get rest while and where you can and take care of you. That's the best you can do for him at this point.

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