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I'm back, after 8 YEARS!



So many emotions right now... Pride that I've lasted and thrived, joy that my life is better with my little son and beloved wife and sadness that I left such a dear resource behind as life got busy...

First off, after almost exactly 8 years after my stroke, I'm doing fantastic. I can walk well, feel better, even lost 45 pounds! I've been looking into doing advocacy work for the disabled and have gotten great treatment for sleep apnea... If you have it, try the TAP device!

Also, I must apologize for not contributing more to a place that gave me so much support. I feel especially now that I am rather well, I can offer hope and encouragement. As I look back on the last eight years I have pride on how cheerful my early entries were and how little I let pain bother me. Now, I'm wiser and a bit more cautious, and unfortunately, I feel LESS empathetic to people's issues. Headache? Quit complaining! It's odd because it's unlike me. I'm working on it. I plan on being around more this year to offer advice and share stories. Glad to be back!


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hey jaguar :


welcome back. I am so glad you are doing well & thinking of giving back, I feel when you are able to help out others your focus has shifted from just your own troubles which is good place to be in. your son must have grown up so much. examples like this tells me there is life after stroke and it is great one. Its always helps to have great partner in life. hope to see you around often. I am still here after 10 years. For me I found blogging & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul



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Welcome back, glad you have gotten much better as I always say it just takes time, plenty of time to get your life back so continue to get even better in the coming years of your recovery, OK?

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It is always good to have someone back to update us on the life they have now.  I have been here since  2005 so you would be someone who's blog I would have commented on previously.  Welcome back to the Blog Community.

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