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Getting Better With More Time



Hello to all of my fellow members, survivors, care givers, and all associates here on stroke net board!!! My oh my how time flies by especially when you are a little down and there are times when your body just doesn't let you do all the things you know how to do for yourself...


I'm getting better with more time to heal my body... My doctor gave me more Baclofin yesterday to heal my muscles on my left side in my arm and my leg...The same side I'm aralyzed on and have trouble using... My arm muscle was very hard like I had been lifting weights...


I sure didn't know baclofin was a muscle relaxer for the body and I used it for years during my nearly six month stay in the hospital when I first had my stroke before I came home and long after that time too... I'm still trying to heal and get well from my operation on my right knee and thigh... It feels much better now too... I will still say a stroke is no joke and is a life changing experience for anyone that has ever had one...


When you are sitting home alone trying to heal your body while taking your medications it feels like life is passing you by every minute of the day or night... You can feel so all alone but yet you have cares and concerns you can't explain... It's a real weird feeling for sure...


In my case I start to think of all the times I came so close to death in my life time while in the military and since I been retired too plus the four marriages I have had in my life now... Plenty of things to think about for sure when you think about your life and how things are going health wise... I just can't imagine my life living alone in a big ole house by myself..


.I often think about Sue in Australia since her husband passed and how things could be difficult for her now... When you are used to another person being in your life even an animal or pet is is difficult to do without them once they are no longer there with you... It makes you wonder how they will feel once you are gone from their lives...


I'm here in a military town with many military families retired and some still on active duty but severly handicapped with missing limbs and using equipment to get around with just like I have to do... I never looked this far ahead to imagine me in this situation but we never know what lies ahead of us in our lives... So, that is why I said I am getting better with more time in my life...


I never imagined myself at my age now (73 years old, 74 come July) using a scooter and seeing this many young soldiers still om active duty waiting to be retired with their disabilities being a factor in their lives cutting their military time so short... I had time to speak with many of them yesterday in the military pharmacy while waiting to get my prescription filled... To see so many women soldiers to being handicapped with missing limbs or a hand missing with prostetic limbs was a site I never thought I would ever see in my life time...


We never know what life has in store for any of us as we live in this world today... Just this morning I saw on the news a commuter train in New York hit a vehicle stopped on the tracks and killed the lady driver while many of the the train riders were injured too...Then another airplane in China falling from the sky clipping a bridge on the highway before landing in the water and probably had persons injured or killed as well... I will learn more on the evening news today...


Then the usual news of killings, shootings and the reasons are unknown... If you read about me in Texas being shot you know I didn't shoot myself I don't even own a gun after being on the All Army Pistol Team for 14 years!!!!!


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Dearest Fred

I know what a strong warrior you really are and I thank you for the wise words of encouragement you always have for others.

Stroke is no joke alright. And isn't it so ironic how sitting around on meds waiting to heal is so stressful! I know what it is like to want to get out of the house and join the living. We do celebrate surviving and life and yes there are so many who are suffering much greater things.  yes the news reminds us that life is not guaranteed and indeed each minute is a gift.  I forget and whine. I am not patient but what else is there to do but learn it. It is hard so hard and the pain is deep soul deep that changes a person. I hope it molds me into a better person and not a bitter person.

Thanks for being a role model and a survivor next to us.

God bless you and peace to you while you heal.

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Fred, just go on doing what you are doing, G-d's plan is not for us to know but remember it always contains good things.  You have time to type on here, to greet people,encourage people, answer questions the same as you always have done.  I am sure you do that in your family too.  Tell some of those wounded warriors to ring you when they feel down and share the same wisdom with them.


I was doing some pastoral visits for the church today in the nursing home where my Mum used to be.  A couple of people I knew from when my Mum was there stopped and chatted for a minute or two, there are plenty of lonely people in the world to stop and say "g'day" to.  I am finding more and more now that G-d brings people to me, I don't need to go look for them. I have always been a chatterbox and now that is coming in handy.  I love people, love to talk to them, love to see them simile or laugh and know that just for a moment I have brightened their day.

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