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it's been a weird week so far



First of all my doctor finally got my updated note to HR limiting me to working 8 hours a day and (surprisingly) I haven't heard of any repercussions yet - we'll see what happens down the road when they realize I won't be doing overtime during the loan bonanza this spring.


My brain has been pretty foggy the last couple of days - I'm not sure if it's from my fall last week, stroke fatigue or just utter boredom from doing nothing but comparing papers to information on the computer (which is very tiring for my eyes). Also, for the last couple of days I've been really cold at work - cold to the point of actually wearing my coat at my desk.


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As a person with a disability you have certain workplace rights about which your company's HR department is probably very aware. So don't be surprised to see them tread lightly. If they discriminate unfairly they can pay a steep price. Just be sure to keep a watchful eye on all that happens and record it in a diary. If you ever find yourself needing a lawyer that kind of record can be quite valuable. 

Good luck.

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Lynda, during my years as a government worker I did all kinds of task, some better than others.  As I worked for travel, additional goods for the family and a better life for my children I would always think: " it pays the same whatever I do".  I guess I had a job not a career but got a kick out of working so the kids could have a few things not possible on one wage. If you need to work a job is a job.  Hope you manage for a while. It is never going to be easy, as long as it is doable. And you continue to be in good health.

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