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Larry is coming home



This is the 5th anniversary of Larry's stroke. Unfortunately, he is in the rehabilitation facility. The good news is he will be coming home in about two weeks. We managed to stay away from any hospitalizations for 5 years. He has progressed amazingly well since going in the hospital last November, and then the rehab facility after that. He had a serious UTI and aspiration pnuemonia, so he was very ill. He has had some great nurses and therapists getting him back on track. The new thing is the feeding tube, and I am being educated by the nurse how to do this at home. Larry did not have much of an appetite before and so he is not missing food much at all. The only thing he says he would like is a milk shake, but he is not allowed anything but ice chips now. I don't know if this will ever change, but it is what it is right now and we accept it. The tube does not bother Larry and he has adjusted to it very well.


I am getting home therapy for Larry and we hope to get our helper, Jim, back again. I am to have another care meeting with a couple of our children. My daughter can do a conference call. In the first care meeting they were worried that it was too much for me to take care of him. I said "if he goes into a long term care facility, he will deteriorate". The manger said "what about you"? and I said "I have been taking care of him for 5 years since his stroke. He may be a little weak at first but he can walk again with his cane and transfers well. His cognitive abilities were not affected as he still has good speech and memory. The director of therapy thought Larry had a good sense of humor. I know Larry is wanting to come back to his home comforts. I brought him back last weekend for a short visit and will bring him again Saturday. He did well with the visit last weekend and was happy to see his cats Lucy and Furby. lol


We all will be happy to have him home again.




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Oh Julie, what wonderful news!   I'm so happy to hear of this progress, and I know he will love being home again.    You should be better than you were before since having a reprieve yourself!  

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This has been such a long haul for you both. I know you will both be grateful to be back home. I always found rehab to be almost as stressful as home, if not more, because I wasn't able to be home much either. The lack of appetite has been a stressor for you so it's good the feeding tube will provide the nutrients he needs without all the scary choking and not eating. Sounds like everything is going in the right direction! ~~Donna

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Congratulations on Larry's upcoming homecoming, Julie. The hospitalization may be a blessing in disguise, because, with the feeding tube, his care may be a little easier. You won't have to worry if he's eating enough, worry about what to feed him since not much appeals to him, wonder if his fluids are enough, etc. I don't mean this in a mean way, it's just that with a feeding tube, you won't have to worry about his diet, and that's one thing less to fret over, and Larry, at the same time, will get good nutrition without struggling to eat food when he doesn't feel hungry, or eat things he no longer likes. I had one until I could re-learn eating, and I watched the nurses care for it- this seemed very straightforward, and quick.If Larry ever needs it removed, that, too, is painless, and quick. Good luck, and WELCOME HOME, LARRY!   Becky 

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Julie, I remember those weeks and weeks of Ray being in hospital and rehab, the trips back and forward every day, the sleep of exhaustion that still felt like a lack of sleep when I woke up.  Once he was back home I was still exhausted but it was the way I felt it should be, Ray and i against the world.  Hope you can get through the next couple of weeks.  We miss you at chat and look forward to you coming back on again.

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What a love story you have shared on here. I am glad your daughter is on board to help out sometimes,  I commend you for standing up for not putting him into a LCF and for honoring the fact that he is himself inside and needs to be home and around familiar love.  He is so lucky to have you.  Please have a TLC network and care bag for yourself (with aromatic tea bags and other necessities) so you can always bring him sunshine and light from your warm heart that is rejuvenated.  I am so happy for him too for having so much strength and tenacity. He has so much to live for in his wonderful family. What a great Valentine's gift you have given each other.  I hope the transition is wondrous and you make many memories.

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