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Sleeping a lot of the time



Mom is sleeping a lot of the time. I don't know if this should be a concern, or if it is a normal process for stroke recovery.


Now that the visiting team from the hospital are no longer coming, I let her sleep in the morning until she feels like getting up. This is usually between 10:30 to 11:30. Then I make us something to eat and give her medications. Sometimes she then helps with something in the kitchen and then says she has to lay down or she just wants to lay down after taking her pills. Then she gets up before dinner and goes back to bed after dinner. She watches some TV in the evening then goes to sleep. This isn't much of a life. It is much like the life of the cat; eat, sleep, and bathroom.


She is suspicious of my activities. I like to get up in the morning, get a cup of coffee and do some work. She thinks I am up to something. She expresses a lot of paranoia and insecurities. She doesn't trust me doing things all day. I just do the best I can to get things done and keep meals on the table.


Should this be an immediate concern for me?




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John, from the words of my husbands neurologist with his glasses pulled down low on his nose and looking over top of them, " She is recooooperating!"  My husband was sleeping most of the time for the first year after his stroke and still sleeps quite a bit unless there is something that we have to do that keeps him up but the doctor says this is all normal. He is almost 3 years post stroke and has only had the one whereas your mother has had 2 and is much older than him. Let her rest, the brain needs this to help heal. My husband also hates the fact that I do things around the house while he sleeps but it is because he feels guilty that I am doing most of the work and taking care of him. Give her time and she will come around.  Prayers to you and your mom!

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John, I agree with all of the above, she is tired, the body won't cooperate, she needs the sleep because it blanks out the fact that you are doing the things she probably still wishes she could do.  This may change with time or it might not.  Bob, the old Dad of my next door neighbour is 85, has not had a stroke and sleeps all the day away apart from a couple of hours he is up for meals.His son works from home so is able to work around those brief times and seems to be okay with what is happening to his Dad saying that sometimes you just have to let nature take it's course. 

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That's exactly what I am wondering. Before the stroke, I did a LOT for her. Sometimes I felt like I was living her life for her. She has a list of serious medical conditions, supposedly being managed. She is 100% dependent on the pacemaker according to her cardiologist. I have a hard time getting done what I would like because she wants me with her all the time. She thinks she is going to get better and get back to work. She doesn't remember that she has been retired for 22 years.


It's probably worse than anyone thinks. The neurologist in the hospital said she has had many strokes. I know what he means. She had many episodes when she was dizzy and heard loud noises and then it went away. I believe all of those events were strokes. I couldn't convince her to go to the hospital back in those days.


I don't really know what to think at this point.



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John, sleep helps the body heal. It is normal, I think, after a stroke or other major illness. It is good for repairing whatever was damaged. Also, you might check her medication. I recently reduced my wife's baclofen dosage by 10 mg. a day (down to 20 mg.) and she has been far more alert ever since. I didn't freelance the reduction in dosage, by the way, but did it in consultation with our primary care physician.

Good luck to you and your mom.

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Mom had breakfast and dinner in bed yesterday and breakfast in bed today. She cried this morning because she didn't think she was getting better. She thinks she had an accident and has to get better so she can get back to work. I consider it positive if she isn't getting worse.


I just try to keep her happy. One day at a time.



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Today is day 5 that Mom has not been out of the bedroom. She seems fine, but wants to stay in bed. We have been eating our meals in there.



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let her sleep. if her body says she needs sleep then fhat is what she needs. several things are at play here. Because of her stroke she has more fatigue. She is getting older and doesn't have the pep she used to have. Wait till you are her age. Sounds like there is some dementia and hence the paranoia and thinking she can go back to work. common. One day at a time. Go with the flow. Be kind even when she is cranky. sleep is for healing. It is not a bad thing. Relax.

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let her sleep. if her body says she needs sleep then fhat is what she needs. several things are at play here. Because of her stroke she has more fatigue. She is getting older and doesn't have the pep she used to have. Wait till you are her age. Sounds like there is some dementia and hence the paranoia and thinking she can go back to work. common. One day at a time. Go with the flow. Be kind even when she is cranky. sleep is for healing. It is not a bad thing. Relax. Usually any activity will tire her out. I get tired from walking across the room

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I don't think it is a problem. I know she needs the rest. It bothers her that she is sleeping a lot. She thinks she isn't getting better if she isn't doing more. When we had the visiting team from the hospital coming every day, I had to have her up at 8:30 in the morning. They thought her fatigue was a problem. I don't think it is a problem at her age. She was fatigued a lot pre-stroke. I want her to get rest whenever she feels like she needs it.



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