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Well, My Conditions Of Stroke For NOW!!



We all experience many different things with strokes and as I think back to 2004, my left side was paralyzed but I was walking pretty good and going any place I needed to go mostly by myself... Well now I feel displaced with the stroke in that I can hardly walk without thinking of falling while I use my quad cane all over again... Obviously at some point soon I hope to be better, get better, with my walking and getting around on my feet too where I'm not afraid to go places anymore...


All your lively hood goes away when you are not feeling very safe while at home or out of your home because of the possibility of falling down and can't get yourself up off the floor... In my case it all seemed to have started when I tried to walk out the garage onto the driveway to get in my vehicle while taking my grand daughter to school one morning... My wife had to be at work early that morning... I guess I just can't get my big feet to step down an inch from one surface to the next part of my driveway...


Long story short, this is what I mean by saying, I never had this problem before but I had my right knee operated on to get the tendons back together with the muscles that controls them for my walking and pressing down on the brake and gas pedals... Then the muscle group of my left arm and leg (thigh) area is hard so my doctor gave me a muscle relaxer and it is working pretty good I think...


That brings me to my age factor, I'm 73 and will be 74, my next birthday come July, that's not too far away!!!! What I still got going for me is my scooter I use and keep in my vehicle every where I go... Then of course I got one downstairs I use all around my home and in the yard, going to the mailbox across the street and around the block with my little dog... She loves riding on the scooter with her leash intact


She is my grand daughter's dog my wife got for her making the A/B Honor Roll three years ago and she is still on it in the sixth grade attending a Catholic school... The little puppy was only two weeks old when we got her from my wife's nephew in New Orleans... You can imagine the dollars I have put out in upkeep, training pads, meds, puppy training classes, and food for the little dog in three years time...


I really feel it was money well spent for the little dogie and she stays right by my feet while we are home and by ourselves all day.... I get a lot of enjoyment having the dog with me all the time until her owner gets home from school; each day...


So if my walking gets better soon I will feel normal again but in the meantime I get to keep the lady that helps me walk in the house and stays with me 5 days each week for two hours each day plus she is there to go places with me in the car aside from fixing breakfast for me each morning since my wife goes to work early some weeks....


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Fred, it all comes back to accepting what you cannot change and doing a workaround so you can be safe.  I'm glad you have the scooter and the dog, the scooter for transport, the dog for company. It is good you have the hope of better things to come too, you need hope to keep you going.  I know I do.  And Spring is ahead of you so all good for now.

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Hi Fred, please that you are thinking positive and got your pup as your best friend. keep on doing what you are doing


best wishes and hugs



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