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Let's talk about sex



So we had a great deal of feed back to our topic about reclaiming the woman in us after stroke. The thing I noticed is that this conversation isn't talked about a lot. Is it taboo? Well yes. If you look at the general age bracket of stroke survivors in woman, the age is between 50's and 70's. Well unfortunately, there are younger women who are suffering stroke and this topic isn't as a behind the closed door conversation.


I am talking to my Vocational Rehabilitation Caseworker about this very conversation. As a result of my stroke, I am unable to hold a part time job, due to many factors ( i.e. balance,vision,processing information.. to name a few) so she suggested to me starting my own business as a blogger. We are in the process now of a business plan and getting my LLC to begin sharing my journey of stroke and finding my inner woman. I wanted to venture in this because of a lack of information and a lack of conversations in rehab centers and hospitals. Many relationships, as we know from reading on here, fall to pieces after stroke and most woman on here don't know what to do. I* have no problems being honest,sometimes I'm a little brass, talking about sex and all the goodies. I mean you have to learn new ways and I've done a lot of research on this topic. Getting into contact with some therapist I've gotten to know over the course of my journey with stroke to insure I share the proper information with out chat friends on the 21st.






I thank Steve all the time for giving me the green light on this subject. From all the correspondence we've had concerning this topic, I know many women are going to be very happy to learn, both survivors and caregivers, that stroke doesn't have to mean the end all.




(PS I'm not going anywhere lol)


Recommended Comments

I also want to be gave infomed. My husband always tell me that I need to

make moves if i want it. I don't what is wrong with me? We have been married for 21yrs, before stroke, I was a tiger in bed, now like a lamb!


Looking forward to your post



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