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Calm and Quiet - We Wish!



We survived the visitors from Colorado. Gary's niece and his brother flew in last week Wednesday. They were going to pick up a large truck for someone at the airport and drive it back to Colorado on Friday. As with all good plans, everything depends on the weather and it changed dramatically in Colorado from the time his niece booked her flight to the day they were supposed to head back. The storm back in Colorado was to last through Monday and driving over Raton Pass, NM would have been treacherous, so they decided to stay until Monday. Both were staying at our house and we had barbecued steaks on Wednesday night when they got here, took them to the casino for crab legs on Thursday night, and barbecued bratwurst on Friday. Since Saturday was Sheri's 46th birthday and her hubby didn't want to miss it, he found a cheap plane ticket and flew here Sat. to be with her for her birthday. Our middle son, Joel, invited us all over that night for corned beef and cabbage dinner and I stopped and picked up a fruit tray, beer, two cakes, and some ice cream at the grocery store on the way over. Just before we left for Joel's house, our friend, Pauline, from Boulder, CO came by to pick up her frozen orange juice and grapefruit juice that she had left on her way through a few weeks ago because it wouldnt' fit in her little fridge in her camper. She hung out here until we were ready to leave for Joel's house, then we dropped her off at her camper at the casino parking lot and took off. Sheri and Tom, her husband, spent the next two nights at Joel's house and Chuck came back to our house to stay. On Sunday morning I got up early, thanks to my dogs and Gary all having to pee, and I made a huge batch of breakfast burritos. Gary was pretty exhausted by Sunday, so after we drove to Mesa to pick up a used hoyer lift (next paragraph) we just hung out at the house and all napped in the afternoon. They headed back out to Colorado on Monday morning about 10 and made it as far as Las Vegas, NM before the fog stopped them. They finally got home on Tuesday afternoon before the next round of snow hit in Colorado. Pauline got as far as Colorado Springs on Tuesday, then had to stop for the night with her little camper rather than tackle Monument Hill in the snow. Not sure if she made it home the next day or not since I haven't heard back from her.


The hoyer Hell that the Dr. and home health agency put us through was a 7 week waste of our time. I had no idea that medicare HMO would not pay to buy a hoyer, but rather rent one - the agency was sitting on the RX for a whole week before I got ahold of a supervisor, who then decided she could push it through, but not before I asked how much this was going to cost us for our share. We would have had to pay close to $30/month and medicare would have paid $120/month for a rental. At that point, I told them where to stick their rental and found a new/used one on craigslist for $300 and we drove to Mesa and got it on Sunday - the guy even showed us how to use it. Should have done that 7 weeks ago as opposed to getting jerked around by the health agencies.


While our company was here last week, I got a message from my youngest sister that Mom had bronchitis. By the time company left on Monday, she had sent me another message that Mom was going to the hospital as the bronchitis had now turned to pneumonia....not good for someone her age with congestive heart problems and diabetic. By the 2nd day at the hospital they put her on oxygen and two of my sisters were going to see her. I have not heard back from either of them as of this morning...but hoping no news is good news and she is improving.


Kelly, Gary's caregiver, also informed me yesterday that her Mom went to the hospital with what she thought was gall bladder attack. Her Mom lives about 40 miles away in Goodyear, AZ with a brother. Last night she texted me and said they found her Mom has ovarian cancer and is scheduled for a hysterectomy today. Kelly is really worried about her ...she is in her late 70s. I told her she could take Friday off if she needed to be with her Mom and I would go ahead and pay her anyhow. She said "wait and see after the surgery on Thursday."


I am leaning toward cancelling our trip to Colorado next week for a great niece's wedding. We have seen most of Gary's family in the last six months or so as they have traveled here, and after learning that the temps will be down in the 30s when we get in, I'm not sure my body can adjust to the cold with also caring for Gary and driving a rental car or staying at a hotel that may not have the perfect accessible accommodations. I have until Monday evening to decide if I want to cancel and will only be out the airfare at that point - which was cheap to begin with. I also have more worries with the roofers not being able to get here until the 18th, and would hate to come home and find out that it rained while we were gone and other areas have leaked and caused damage to furniture and other personal items in the house. We already had another leak in back bedroom after our son took out the rusted vent on the roof and sealed it up, so not sure where that was coming from. The sooner we get that other roof done, the better off we will be. If it isn't one problem, it's another on this place - caught me a nasty little mouse the other night while sitting at the computer, when I heard a loud click in the kitchen. I thought we had sealed all cracks and crevices but the little stinker found a way in somewhere....his mistake as he is now ziplocked and awaiting trash pickup on Friday.


The weather is heating up this weekend (back to the 80s) so I'm hoping to get over to the pool again. I can only hope that my fat *fanny* will fit in one of the half dozen swimsuits I have in the closet. Might have to wait until dark so nobody sees me..... lol




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Wow whee, Sarah. You have been busy!


So sorry about the hoyer. Took so long to let you know it would not be paid for. But am glad you found one at a reasonable price and hopefully it will save your back and just make things easier when moving Gary.


Oh, some warmth would sure be nice here. Send some our way! Best, Debbie

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Sarah, it is all loops in your learning curve right now.  I had the same trouble with the "wait and see" policy whenever I wanted anything for Ray, it always took weeks not days.  All those visitors!  You did well to cope with all of that but isn't it fun, all that huslte and bustle for a few days?   Used to love that as Ray would transform into a social person for a while and we all had fun. I miss all that now.


I admire the way you just keep going with the care increasing and all the obstacles you have to overcome.  You get my nomination for Caregiver of the Year.

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Sarah, please you got your hoyer. I was smiling as you said that the mouse

was in the kitchen! Oh dear I be still screaming and on a chair! I can not

do mice and snakes!


Take care Sarah, hugs



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