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leap of faith



So I got in touch with HR today and told them I wanted to take the severance package and that it would be fantastic if they could get the paperwork done in time so that Friday could be my last day - we'll see how long it takes them. I did talk to the HR person about what a horrible place it was to work and she told me that they had heard that from other people that had left - which made me feel better because I was beginning to think I was becoming paranoid or overly sensitive because of the stroke. The good news is that after 21 weeks I can file for unemployment if I haven't found another job by then.


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Lisa :


congratulations, I know for sure this step even though feels so hard at this time, will turn out to be best decision you made for your life. best of luck. Sometime when God  closes door for us he wants us to find some better window of opportunity, but since we are so afraid of change in our life we ignore his gental nudging. So please have faith everything will turn out to be in your favor. you will think how do I know this. I know this because I have seen it first hand in my life so just relax & enjoy your free time.



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Good for you Lisa. Don't spend time at doing a job that you was so unhapply.

Like Asha said it will work out, just have faith. When the doctor told me no more work for me, I was so scared, what was going to happen to my family?

You know what, our rent is paid, we have food in the cupboard, clothes on

our back. God is good!



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