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First Day Of Spring 20 March 2015



Well, we don't have much longer before the first day of Spring is upon us... I will be one happy camper for sure then I can try to walk outside with the lady that comes to care for me for two hours a day, five days a week.... Next week the kids are out of school for Spring Break so I won't have to take my grand daughter to school, I can sleep another hour before the lady come at 9 am to help me do things.....


Just to see sunshine each day instead of snow and rain with very high winds will be a big change for our weather here... I be scared to try walking since I hurt myself on that trip to Vegas... My paralyzed left side just don't want to carry me along the way any more... But I have to get outside to keep my walking ability going...


I can imagine how any person feels that suffers a second or third stroke, that really would slow me down... As it is I have to use my scooter with my left side being paralyzed I can't operate a walker with one hand!!!! In fact I went back to using my quad cane for walking from the garage out to my car, it feels safer than my single point cane because at times I have to turn it a loose so I would be dropping it at times if it didn't stand by itself...


I hope the rest of this year passes pretty fast and my healing up doesn't slow down, I'm so tired of being in this situation having a lady to come in to attend to me and fixing breakfast at 9 am... But what else can you do when you need help doing things??


I doubt if we are going on any more trips soon because the closest casino we like is about 5 hours away in Shreveport but there are others just across the state line of Texas in Louisiana.... I know my wife loves to play the penny machines and she can play at any casino I'm sure... I play the quarter machines mostly but at times I will play the dollar machines just not very long... Seems like putting 2 dollars in the machine at one time makes me lose my money too fast....


So with the quarter machines I only lose 50 cent putting in 2 quarters at a time... Most of the machines now you can play quarter, 50 cent or a dollar but you drive yourself crazy wondering which denomination to play... Just when you should have played a dollar or two you play a quarter but sooner or later you will get a jackpot payout if you play long enough...


So hopefully I can spring into action pretty soon on a weekend get away to the casino I just wish I had better luck playing the machines than I do now... I go primarily for my wife to play since she works every week and every other Saturday at the bank as a supervisor of the tellers!!!


Then I guess before too long we will be taking that long trip to her hometown of New Orleans to visit her family members...


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Fred hope your Spring is bright and sunny and fills the air with the fragrance of flowers and you do get that getaway trip to one of the casinos.  Life is too short to be cooped up at home, off you go to make more memories.

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And to think today 16 March is the first day of Spring break for the school kids so my grand daughter is home with me all this week!!!

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