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Week March 8th



Fun full week 3/08/2015, First I have my birthday this week on the 13th Friday the 13th. I started out with a slow week. Weather was wet, cool, windy to start out but I have faith that yes spring just around the corner. By the end of this week weather personal say we are going to be in the 70's.


Monday was a quite, low key day. I finally got around to doing a couple loads of washing clothes. That was enough of standing and carrier cloths to and from the washer. I believe when it is a rainy day it's a good and only day to do wash. But since it takes so much for me to do I still have to do those dishes in the sink to do. I am trying to practice to wash the dish I use each and every time I eat at home.

Tuesday was no more exciting but to go do deep water exercise at the Clairemont Y. I like the teacher on this d ay and really feel like I've exercised. After I went to my coffee shop and have a cup of Joe and crochet a few stitches on my new baby booties shoes. Rest of the day uneventful.

Wednesday is hump day. Being retired days just flow together. I have to keep on some kind a schedule.

I went to my Y East Atlanta. Since the pool area was closed all last week for repairs, Being that it Visually Impaired in downtown Atlanta, This appt. took 3 hours and I now know I see out of my like swizz cheese. The doctor showed me a magnifier that has led light from under and and orange filter makes it so much easier to read by. But the cost is some $200. My girlfriend who has 2 parents that are both blind clued me in to contact the Lions Club of Georgia for they could help out.

Before I know it it is Friday and It was my Birthday. Nice weather to wake of to and I spent time at the coffee shop,which when I walked in the shop some how they all knew it was my birthday. Well, I figured it out that Eric from church who comes here too told them ahead of time. LOL


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Hey Jeannie, you had a good birthday, with friends getting the message out for you.  You do great, I know from what you say that life is difficult sometimes for you but you give it all your best shot.


Talk to you soon my friend.

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