Ken the FALL

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My right arm is sore but improving. I am sleeping better keep 3 pillows under my head and right shoulder and one under my right arm. I am using my left side the weak one for everything. I can now hold a cup and drink with my left hand before I would shake a lot my fingers are lining up better and picking up things. I eat easy things that are soft, it has been an adventure eating with the left hand but it is getting better.


I had a friend drive me to the drug store, I am walking better making sure not to hit my right shoulder on anything. Getting in and out of a car is getting better the seat belt is tuff. On Friday I want to a show with a friend sat in the back it was a old fashion type theater with a balcony. I talked to the management and told them my condition. This was a big place so I got two seats near the back and seat one and three so I had no one sitting next to me. This was a live band from London that did all rolling stones tunes. Great show great time so good to get out but best of all was careful and did do anything to my shoulder.


I am learning how to use my left side better, if there is something on the counter I have to grab with my left hand I will point with my left foot and leg toward the object then reach with my left arm and grab it. It sounds simple but when you are use to using your right side then have to use your left it is not. My left hand is tiered of typing so till next blog.


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Ken, you are doing so well.  I can't imagine not being able to use my right hand at all.  It is certainly my dominant hand.  I know Ray tried to use his as that was his affected side but could do no more than cup it and use it that way.


The show sounds good and the theater staff did well to have an empty seat each side of you so you had the room you needed.  While a lot of people can ignore your problems or even comment adversely on them I found with Ray there are a lot of people of good will out there who are looking for an opportunity to help.

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Ken, I got my right shoulder hurt too and man it's very hard for me to raise my arm up to my shoulder to put my jacket on my right arm... My right knee and thigh was repaired so I could drive again... The tendons tore away from the muscle in my thigh but all is well again except the left thigh hurts all the time and the underside muscle is always tight...


I got more doctor appointments coming until it stops hurting so bad, hope I don't have to operate on that thigh too....

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Ken,  sorry that your right shoulder is hurting.  Mine is hurting too.  When i go to my  keep fit 


class, i can not raise my right like I can do  with my left.   I am taking it easy but still using it.


Please that you enjoy the show, and People can be so  kind. 


Hugs Yvonne

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