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Finally Finished With All My PT



Yesterday was my last day with receiving PT from an agency as they did all that could be done for me in helping my walking get better... I had my MRI Friday to evaluate my left side as I am paralyzed on that side since the stroke nearly 12 years ago... Now I will continue to ride my exercise bike at home to keep improving every little bit I can while the lady still comes in home for one hour each day provided by the VA...


I think it will be a week before I get the results of the MRI from the doctors... I'm not ever giving up and hope to get stronger in my legs and walking abilities in due time... I drive my SUV and haul my scooter too so I should be alright while I get better in my walking abilities... Being a stroke survivor long as I have been has made me ready for anything now so I should be up and about not having to depend on my wife having to go places with me when I can go by myself...


I'm not sure at this point how much longer the lady will be coming in to help me for that one hour each day... I get up early mornings anyway so by the time she gets here I have fed myself and starting on my bike exercising already so I think I am ready to see if I can make it on my own... I just want to see how my left leg is coming along once I get the word hopefully this week from the doctor...


I feel and think it's time I face the world on my own once again so I got to get outside and do things as I know how to do them and did for some years already... Maybe I can go back to work on my scooter being a greeter at Walmart again soon, who knows, I got to start someplace earning my income as my health get better each week...


I see they are hiring veterans again and that's a good thing in this town of many retirees both men and women who need to work to earn incomes again...


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Fred, I am glad you are feeling so much better and even contemplating going back to work.  Good for you, long may it continue.

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You are able to get on your exercise bike by yourself?    Bob has one in the house, but it is always a little worrisome to get on and off.   You seem like you are working your way out of the last problem, keep up the good work!

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,Yes, I got my bike placed between the wall and the dining room table so I can get on/off without falling then the lady is here for an hour so I'm not alone, otherwise I wait until someone else is home with me... No falls yet and I been using it for 11 years now....


I walk into the dinning room with my quad cane get my right foot on the pedal next to the wall then my left foot on the pedal and away I go for 25 minutes... I got the same batteries in it too!!!!


I'm trying to overcome this stroke setback and you know I drive my SUV and haul my scooter everywhere I need to go....

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We use a hemi-walker to help get him on and off, as it is very strong for balancing.   I still feel a little scared, but don't let on to him about it.

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Fred: thank you for checking in. You have made a remarkable recovery and I know the hard work you have put in. But such good news! Don't rush to send off the help. Rock on! Debbie

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Hey Fred you are my amazing hero!  I hope you jump in the SUV and take your scooter many places and tell everyone how wonderful it is to be alive. Your bright spirit illuminates this chat room!

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