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Things You Don't Know About Me (can I find 100?)



Things You Don't Know About Me (can I meet the 100 challenge?)

  1. I love peanut butter
  2. i graduated from an all girl's catholic school
  3. i tapped danced
  4. i twirled baton
  5. i tried to surf
  6. i had c sections
  7. i have two beautiful miracle babies after risky pregnancies
  8. i was told not to have a second child but I did it anyway
  9. i have one boy and one girl
  10. my Gram had 13 siblings
  11. i am Irish
  12. i love purses
  13. i love to shop
  14. i love animals and wanted to be a vet
  15. i used to climb fences at schools to use the swings with my best friend
  16. i save things for years and then wonder why I did when I clean out things
  17. I am going to give up my place and go live with a childhood friend
  18. my kids helped me go back to finish my degree after I had a stroke
  19. my daughter was my caregiver for a year
  20. my son has a master's degree
  21. i have a double BA and a master's degree
  22. i worked with prisioners
  23. i worked with kids and teens
  24. I once had hair down to my waist
  25. my daughter once had hair past her bum
  26. i was married for over a decade
  27. i was a single mom for most of my kids' lives
  28. i made lots of photo albums
  29. i am afraid of heights
  30. i hate fo fly on an airplane
  31. i love to drive long distances
  32. i love to donate things and clean out spaces
  33. i love pink
  34. i love my Irish fruitcake recipe and so does everyone else
  35. I like to cook but never did it much
  36. i sewed Halloween costumes for my kids that won contests
  37. I was a dance mom
  38. I was a band mom
  39. I was a theater mom
  40. I am a lifetime student
  41. I never cheated on anyone
  42. I smoked until I had a stroke
  43. I never took illegal drugs
  44. I hated being drunk
  45. I like to hold a glass of wine but hate the taste
  46. I love jewelery of any kind
  47. i love Betsy Johnson things except for anything with bugs or skulls
  48. I love to watch the sunset over the water
  49. I love to drive with the sunroof open
  50. I was in a car accident only once
  51. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and it took years to diagnose
  52. I have taken high blood pressure medication since my early 20s
  53. my father had high blood pressure
  54. i love interior decorating
  55. i always wear nail polish
  56. i love to travel
  57. I love peach tea
  58. I love Chinese restaurants
  59. I cry watching movies
  60. I love holding hands
  61. I always want to be kissed goodnight by my family
  62. I always say goodbye with a hug
  63. I love pillows everywhere
  64. I love writing pens
  65. I love to journal with a computer and in pretty journal books
  66. I love shoes
  67. i have my grandmother's china
  68. I collect pretty sweaters
  69. I recycle
  70. I love to meet new people in new places
  71. I talk to stranges
  72. I am extremely claustrophobic
  73. I am a private person
  74. I love to wear rings
  75. I am not a picky eater
  76. I went swimming in a lake at midnight
  77. I love speed boats
  78. I was told I recovered things that usually took months post stroke
  79. I have central pain syndrome
  80. I can't finish my doctorate degree because I can't do the fieldwork
  81. I have vestibular problems
  82. I had a brain stem stroke in basal ganglia and medula
  83. I need a caregiver
  84. I have been denied disability twice and am appealing
  85. My kids helpee me for one year to go to school
  86. I love to watch movies while I eat meals
  87. i packed my things in trash bags and donated them
  88. I am diabetic but I sneak cake
  89. I could live on any kind of pizza
  90. I love diet dr pepper and diet sprite
  91. I have insomnia
  92. I am an artist
  93. I love to read
  94. I love to google things just out of curiosity
  95. I love my smart phone wtih the beautiful flowery cover
  96. I stole office supplies from work
  97. I drove developmentally disabled adults to fun places
  98. I love to garden
  99. I love hummingbirds
  100. Teal is my color
  101. I have scalp psoriasis recently diagnosed
  102. I always take my shoes off at the door I love being barefooted
  103. I love pampering at the salon
  104. I am a quiet neighbor
  105. I love eating out doors
  106. I am a spiritual persossn
  107. I am a tolerant person with biases
  108. I am an honest person and that may not always be true
  109. I am a romantic and a cynic
  110. I love rocking chairs and I still have the one I rocked my babies to sleep, used as the talking chair for teens, and now rest in
  111. I take photos of fountains every where I go
  112. I lost my license to drive after the stroke
  113. I can't do stairs by myself
  114. I use a walker and sometimes a cane with help
  115. I watch public television
  116. I never watch reality shows
  117. I sing in the shower, along with the car radio, and with my ear phones in, but I can't sing in front of anyone
  118. I am terrified of public speaking but I have done it all my life
  119. I love to make PowerPoint presentations
  120. I prefer to wear nightgowns than pajamas with pants
  121. I like lots of covers
  122. I don't like to see anyone's feet not covered with a blanket and now my kids are always trying to cover my feet but it hurts my leg
  123. I hate being alone sometimes and other times I need to be alone
  124. I never did online chat or blog before this stroke
  125. I do not fear death since I felt so peaceful when I had the stroke
  126. I believe I came back to help my children prepare for my death and this is my last gift to them
  127. I always said that the bathroom decorations are the most important in the house because you start your day in there
  128. I eat salads everyday
  129. I like a dark room to sleep in
  130. I love keepsake and hat boxes
  131. I like things neat and tidy
  132. i don't go to bed until the dirty dishes are loaded in the dishwasher and maybe cleaned
  133. We had all kinds of pets
  134. I spent summers on a farm as a kid
  135. I am a city girl
  136. I was sandwich generation woman taking care of kids and parents once
  137. I like to write and research papers
  138. I am not a fan of change sometimes and yet it always appeals to me
  139. I am more or an adventurer than any of my friends
  140. I like to spend money
  141. I save money because I feel guilty if I do not
  142. I loved to run for exercise and in races with my family
  143. I took karate and gymnastics as a teen
  144. I like to help others
  145. I am a survivor
  146. I have never been fired
  147. I have been a volunteer for different places all of my life
  148. I am not afraid of introspection
  149. I fear the future
  150. I am loved and I Iove


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Pam :


wow 150 things. can you believe even after you writing all 150 points about you. I still think there is lot more to know about you, and this was just scratch on the surface



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good pam!  I don't believe 73 I am a private person. private people do not reveal themselves in the ways you have consistently done. 

and I agree with 108  you are honest and I do hope you will always remain so. and like asha  there's a lot more to know about  pam but it is a good start!



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