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I haven't been in this site since February because I had another stroke 2/14 making my tally 3. I feel like overall it is getting easier to cope with because the deficits and ways to overcome them are familiar. I think the hardest deficits are the new ones. I have a lot more tremor in my right (so I am learning to be a lot more left handed). Also I have never had glasses before, but I need them for sure now, but because I have two more procedures to get rid of the AVM the doctors want to wait until everything is finished to get me a prescription, which makes sense, but still leaves me in limbo. I know it could be a lot worse. My 25th birthday is Tuesday, so I'm having over a bunch of people I haven't seen in months if not years tomorrow. I am also getting more to a place where I can be happy with not being as I once was, and still finding new things or adapting things so I can do them. I am hoping to resume Patient Advocacy classes in the fall. <3


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WOW, I had one 12 years ago now and that's got me so I can only imagine having two or three strokes has to be a lots worse on the body... I'm still having walking problems and must use a scooter to get around with no problems... I'm glad to hear you say you feel like it's getting easier to cope with and you are still learning ways to overcome...


Oh, happy 25th birthday come Tuesday!!! Welcome back to stroke-net site....

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Happy 25th and may you celebrate many more!  You are a supreme survivor. 

I wear glasses and it isn't so bad.  they have some beautiful frames to choose from so enjoy the shopping and when you get them I am sure you may celebrate some improvement in seeing.

How wonderful to have a room full of people around you that care. Enjoy!

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Happy Birthday! Hope you had a terrific time with family and friends. Prayers and thoughts your way as you continue your recovery journey. Debbie

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Hey Chris :

you got amazing attitude towards your stroke, I remember at 34 when I suffered stroke I thought life is not fair at all & wallowed  in self pity  for few months, till I found this support group. I depended so heavily on my family, friends & this site to get to serene place of acceptance where life is all good now. What I found being young & suffering stroke had its own benefits since I was able to build my new normal & happy with life again. I feel my post traumatic stress event did convert in post traumatic growth & life is beautiful again. not again I will ever take simple joys of life for granted again.  we do have M-F afternoon chats from 3-4 EST & evening 8-9 EST on M,W & F. hope to bump into there, since I am more active there & in our blog world



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Asha! Ya I used to be more involved in this site, and I need to re-resume. I have been debating if my rebirth age should be marked by my first or last stroke (emotional or physical recovery kinda) *shrugs*

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