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Growing Up And Understanding How Life Goes



As young kids growing up in big families you never know what life holds for you being successful in life... Many times you say to yourself "I don't want to suffer like my parents did and have all those kids to raise up." Well, I got married to my childhood sweetheart, we had two kids, a boy and a girl.... I joined the Army went to Germany and a daughter was born... We returned to Texas had a son two years later but discovered my wife had a terrible blood disorder and we couldn't have any more children or she would probably not survive...


Moving fast forward I'm married now for the fourth time (and last) but my first wife did pass in 1998 from that disorder with her blood, same year I married my now wife Through it all I retired from the Army with 22 years service and 10 years with the postal service as a clerk and mail sorter...


I started my own business running a bowling pro shop inside a bowling center... Then the stroke came along and I had to sell out I couldn't operate a shop with one hand and a paralyzed side.... Through the years God has been good to me in that we paid for our home in 2013 that we purchased in 2000...


Growing up as I did I learned so much about living and having a family and what I needed to do to live the life I always wanted to live... I never thought one time about a stroke since I was in good physical condition but have learned that has nothing to do with having or not having a disabling stroke that can make life very hard and you need a care giver in your life to ease the pains and do things you can't do for yourself...


Now I know how life goes.......But I'm managing as best I know how and I hope all of you here are too!!!!!!


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Hi Fred, I so agree. Get your wisdom as you age. There is a saying " youth is wasted on the youth". When

you are young, you just want to have a good time, feel that you know it all. My dad saw that my first

husband was not for me. i refushed to listen, I thought I was in love. It was not love, now I know.

I have now with my second husband ( after my father meet him) a loving fun relationship. He looks after me

and my daughter and her two children. Her father does not even write or call her. It is his lost. Our sonwe have together, I explain enjoy yourself , girls and babies, not going anywhere. Plus he sees his

sisters ( my husband has two girls from his first marriage) having a hard time.t

Life is what you make it, and having the right person to make it with.




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I joke with myself about looking for my third husband but I haven't found number one yet. My six year relationship could count. My ex gave me cards with wife in it not long after we got together. That relationship traumatized me in getting in another relationship. Last year around this time I went on a couple of dates with a guy who probably was homeless. Our dates were always at a park and he couldn't afford to pay for his meal at Chipotle. Then my strokes happened so my dating life (which isn't much) went on pause. I talked about this with my best friend today. She said I choose to be alone. I said no I don't mind dating but I make bad choices like the guy I met last year and then I had a stroke. She couldn't say much after that! Stroke talk always throws her off. But for us we are in our thirties never been married and talk about why aren't we married with kids like most people our age. But that's how it goes with some people. Not everyone has the same path. We just have to make the most with what we have and hope that there are no cats involved...



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Thanks for your comment on my blog, with the picture you posted I didn't know who you were but I understand how you feel about relationships because they can be hard to manage man or woman and that's just how life goes...


I try to think ahead but I remember back too on how life was with me and it's history now but I'm a happy man that will not let the stroke change me mentally just physically as I get better and stronger in time....


Don't give up on finding the person you may be with the rest of your life just take your time after all that is all we got left is time....

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