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It has been a while since I blogged but mostly because I don't have anything exciting to write about most of the time. lol


Larry has been having shoulder pain in his affected left side, and I was concerned since he never mentioned pain before. First we went to the doctor who sent us for an X-Ray, and then we went for an MRI. There were no significant findings other than some arthritis. The doctor then sent us to an orthopedic doctor. The doctor was booked, so we got his assistant who examined Larry and gave him a cortisone shot. The doctor also ordered ROM for his shoulder and arm and we were to continue the Extra strength Tylenol which Larry said helped some. The shot did not help Larry this time. The doctor also ordered a physical therapist and we were able to get the same one we have had and here at home. The doctor wanted us to go back this time and see the orthopedic doc this time. He examined Larry and gave him 2 shots of cortisone, this time in the front part of Larry's shoulder. Between the ROM, PT and shots, Larry has not felt any pain in the last week. Larry's check up at the doctor's office was good this month and his vitals all good. He has done well on the feeding tube formula. So, all in all I guess he is doing well considering all he went through last November through February. His biggest past time is watching our St. Louis Cardinals. The therapist comes twice a week and she has been a big help in his shoulder pain recovery. She will be here two more days and I was so lucky to get her again.


Next week my daughter is coming in from Michigan for a visit. I hope the weather holds out as it is to be in the low to mid 80's. I have not been able to get Larry out to do much with the rain and then heat and humidity. I hope we can at least get out to the zoo and Botanical Gardens. My daughter is taking me out for my birthday so I will also enjoy that. My son had given me a mani/pedi gift cert. and Larry's kids gift certificates.


My son is still with us helping out until he gets a job. That will take a while. I am not use to having him here, but admit it is nice having him around to help me with Larry, and also having someone to share meals with. The summer is going away to quickly.




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Julie it is true time flies when you are having fun.  Sounds as if Larry is getting the help he needs from the shots and ROM exercises. You and your daughter always have fun so I am sure you are looking forward to her visit. The company of your son as well as any help he can give you will lighten your load too.

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Hi Julie, please that Larry is doing well. It great to have your Son there,

and enjoy your daughter comming in.


Enjoy your birthday



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