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A great day in the garden



Jules is continuing to get over her fainting dramas and 8 hour hospitalisation.....by working like a Trojan in the garden, and demanding that I do the same. So I did.


It's now after 11 pm, so it's late to be doing my blog. But from the outset I wanted to point out that I hate predictive text and apologise for the way it might alter the meaning of this entry.....


This morning we made a trip to the manure dump (yes, we live near a race course which has numerous stables nearby) and collected two large plastic bins of horse dung and returning home to empty it on the new section of garden. Then it was in the car again and I drove into the race course proper and around to a large section of fabulously good soil and loaded the plastic bins again. Then it was home to spread the soil and the manure.


I drove to the men's shed for lunch and to meet with the blokes again for about 90 minutes and then returned home to help Jules dig three large holes for Tilia trees that she wanted to plant. And that took a lot out of me, I can tell you.


After, I made coffee while Jules dug a series of smaller holes in which she planted 10 hydrangea plants.


Then we both tidied up the gardening tools, and while Jules showered I did a quick pass by the local supermarket and purchased milk (Jules and I spoil ourselves each Saturday morning at least with a large glass of iced coffee that I make in the blender) and some bacon as a special treat for breakfast in Sunday.


Finally, while I enjoyed the day, I know it makes dreary reading and former at I apologise.


PS: I had a telephone call early evening from the physio in Melbourne who is giving me the stress test on Monday, so that's all fixed. I see her at 1.00 pm and my sleep specialist at 2.00 pm. Ohhh....and Sydney beat Collingwood in the Australian Rules footy match this evening.


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Glad to hear Jules is back ruling the roost - can't keep a good woman down. But please keep an eye on her Mitch. That is a lot of heavy work coming off her dehydration and please make sure she is drinking her fluids.


The yard is going to be wonderful come your Spring. Let us know about the stress test and the sleep study. Never a dreary read!

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Mitch, nice to have you blogging here.  I used to be on the Stroke Foundation site, didn't realise it had closed so i am glad you found this site instead.


I have been gardening too, after six weeks away in England I came back to a real wilderness so I am into it again.  The hydrangeas seem like a nice idea, I might look around the nurseries locally for some.

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The National Stroke Foundation's StrokeConnect website has closed and been replaced by www.enableme.com.au .... a stupid site that cost the earth and few if any of the old contributors, me included, understand it.


ElizabethC  told me about this wonderful site. :-)

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