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More Memory issues



Pre stroke I kept everything in my head, I could recall almost everything. Can't do that now. When I think of something I need to do I do it right then or put it on my phone as a reminder.


The other day I picked up a copy of the summer tax bill. My wife told me to put it in a specific location, I failed that test. When I told her where it was she said I told you to put it XYZ. Then the conversation switched to something else, you guessed it I forgot again, as I walked past the place I was told to put it, I realized I forgot, so I retrieved the bill and put it in the proper location.


Life POST stroke memory issues, is like a really bad case of ADHA.

As I was leaving the house yesterday, she asked me to call her girlfriend to Ask her to call the house. I started to call and my wife said not now while you're out on the bus. once again, you guessed it, I forgot to call the girlfriend. I didn't put it on my phone list.

I know how frustrating these memory issues are for me I can't imagine how it is for my family. We All must learn to deal with the new normal.


I am getting pretty good at using my cell phone to leave myself notes and reminders. the next issue is I need to remember to look at the phone for my notes. lol.


Peace, Love, Joy and Prayers.



Recommended Comments

Jay - retraining Short Term Memory is a "b" - for sure and so frustrating. Just have to keep working at it. Go check your phone - LOL - Debbie

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Thanks Debbie I always appreciate a good sense of humor even a laugh at my expense.

Be well my friend thanks for a good laugh


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Debbie I wanted to say thanks again I read your comments today and literally laughed out loud. I so appreciate your sense of humor, I would appreciate even more if every few hours you could send me a reminder to cgecjny phone, I know soon it will become second nature to me.


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I learned an amazing short term memory trick meany years ago which now proves invaluably. firstly you learn a list.

One is a bun.

Two is a shoe.

Three is a tree.

Four is a door.

Five is a hive.

When you have locked this in your permanent memory you use it as a shopping list. You gotta buy bananas, peas, baked beans just put them in the list.

A bun with a banana in it.

A shoe with a can of peas in it.

A tree with a tin of baked beans hanging on it.

You will be staggered on how well this works, you can add objects to numbers to go right up to ten. Beyond this you should write it down!


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