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So Close To Death



A woman on the ward died in her sleep. I did not know her well.

It reminds us all that every day is never guaranteed.

I forget about death. I avoid thinking,speaking of that foreign terrifyin thing. Perhaps because I have been sheltered from it really. I pause to it when I must,then living happens. My southern folk were closer to death,sitting with the passed in the parlor,big funerals with caskets. I have seen masses but my family went for cremation. Death is not a natural part of my life. How can I have had a stroke and be in such denial that death awaits,and fear it at the same time remembering while stroking there was no fear. Only worry for those left. I felt peaceful. Why did I stay? I wonder if somehow I chose to?? I am still clinging to life. Yes, it would have been much easier, maybe nicer even if I had ridden that wave out on the tranquility of the stroking. I still marvel that I was aware and not concerned or afraid. Never did I accept there would be consequences. I hear that is typical. I do not wake forgetting like I used to.

I am curious about Death. Religious. Doubts too.my inner skeptic. My childlike faith.

I am a Scarlett. Think tomorrow.


Here I am surrounded by illness, old age, death. Yet I see high spirits,defiant for life. Mingling in loneliness, boredom,there is a furious clinging to humanity,identity,& self.

I heard a man yelling at someone telling them he is human. He is a mighty spirit.

People here have stories.great lives.now what can help preserve dignity is here. Life made more because Death stands close. But I ignore him mostly,caught up in daily things. Why acknowledge it. Maybe so I appreciate and savor all of this even the pain,the tough stuff because it is life. And I am still.


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Pam :


I read great commentary in bowl of saki on death will share with you. I know you will like it.





Death is a tax the soul has to pay for having had a name and a form.
                        Bowl of Saki, August 28, by Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:
All that is constructed is subject to destruction; all that is composed must be decomposed; all that is formed must be destroyed; that which has birth has death. But all this belongs to matter; the spirit which is absorbed by this formation of matter or by its mechanism lives, for spirit cannot die.

   from  http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/XI/XI_I_12.htm

That which the soul has borrowed he must give back when it has done its work; it was borrowed for a certain time and for a certain purpose. When the purpose is fulfilled, when the time is finished, then every plane asks for that which the soul has borrowed from it, and one cannot help but give it back to that plane. It is this process which is called assimilation. Since man is born greedy and selfish he has taken all things willingly, enthusiastically -- he gives them back grudgingly and calls it death. ...

Death is nothing but the taking off of one garb and giving it back to the plane from which it was borrowed, for the condition is this: one cannot take the garb of the lower plane to the higher plane. The soul is only released when it is willing -- or compelled -- to give its garb to the plane it has taken it from. It is this which releases the soul to go on in its travel. And as it proceeds to a higher plane, after its stay there it must again give its garb back and be purified from it in order to go further. ... This knowledge also throws a light upon the question of death. Death is not really death; it is only a passing stage, it is only a change, as changing clothes.
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Pam, I trained as a Chaplain although I did no more than a year's voluntary work two days a week.  I walked with death.  I sat with the dying.  I want to say that you are a living human being till your last breath,  then for some reason you become "the body".  But that is not the end. You briefly  are very much alive to others at your funeral.


Please don't think about death, don't worry about death,  if you are religious like I am you can say some prayers for healing when you hear someone is seriously ill, then some prayers to help them through the dying,  then prayers for the sorrow of those still  living who loved them and will miss them.  It is a part of life and like any other part of life is a process.


Go on living, enjoy your life, make the most of life.  But in your surrounding you will experience a lot of deaths so just nod at Death as he passes by.

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