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Karma and other musings



Longtime readers may remember that I lost my first wife of 28 years, 14 years ago. Since I made a terrible batchelor, I married Lesley 4 months later, but I digress from the point of the blog. My late wife's name was Joan. During the long battle with type I diabetes, cancer and a few other medical conditions, she had to put on more and more medical devices and aids to function.


In the last few years when we both knew we were not going to like the end but still needed a laugh, I started calling her my "Joanie Doll, some assembly required". Being a good spirited lady she took it well and all concerned had a short laugh.


Fast forward to now. Some of you may remember a few years ago when I listed my "family" of conditions. Well the family tree just keeps on growing and growing. Although I do not yet anyway need lots of devices other than an AFO (ooops I forgot the CPAP gizmo), before I can do nearly anything anymore I have to ask "do we have my (fill in the blank) meds, my glove for my cold left hand, extra water bottle, sweater or lite jacket even in summer. And the length of the family tree of ailments just keeps on growing.


One more Karma story I'll make as short as I can. Many years ago as my late father and I came back from a long days fishing with a few lake trout on the stringer, I dropped the stringer of fish into the. lake. Dad was not pleased.


Fast forward to summer three years ago. Lesley and I did our last canoe camping trip along the US/Canadian border. I caught a fish casting off the campsite and yelled for Lesley to bring the net. She skillfully netted the fish, then excitedly put the net on the flat ground to go get a camera. Any fisherman can guess how long it took for the fish to flip back into the water. I was not pleased.


Later that afternoon I took the canoe out and caught a couple of fish which I raced back to the campsite with the intention of eating them soon.. On the way I stopped in the middle of the lake to refill my water bottle and decided to put the fish back in the water for a minute. The stringer made a funny sound as it entered the water, then went silent. I soon found out why. I had already disconnected it from the canoe and off swam the fish.......


Is this what is called "Karma"?


Oh well, I woke up breathing this morning (I have decided the morning I wake up not breathing I probably won't bother to get out of bed), and the sun rose in the East again.


My coffee cup is empty and you all know what that means.


P.S. My Dr says my coffee cup should be empty more often..........


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George, I don't know what it's called but I been on here long enough to remember and it seems now so long ago..... Guess I'm older for sure.... 


Take care my friend!!!!!

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George, you have still got your sense of humour and that will take you a long way towards happiness.  Hope Lesley gets home safely and you make sure you make a big fuss of her.


Four months courtship, you surely are a fast worker !!!

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George: absolutely Karma. But my sister always says life runs in circles.


It is soothing, somehow, to be able to make those connections and have those memories, warms the heart. Debbie

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