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I Am A Human Air Freashener



Remember my roomie not eating or srinking because of rotted teeth that no one here would talk about? Well her daughters came today to take her to the dentist and if she will not cooperate then they are taking her to the hospital for a feeding tube. They claim that social workers here told them their mother stopped eating because she gave up and to do hospice and stop intervention meds and just keep her comfortable. TheY claim they have not been kept informed and they are upset their mother was not hospitalized because she has lost so much weight. She said they denied showing her mothers records.

I listened,gave her the state ombudsman card, and when she asked my opinion,I said the family had to follow their hearts,but do not let anyone tell you or bully you.

I remember the day the doctor came in asking my other roomie with questionable faculties how his patient was doing and then started saying it would all be sorted if some daughter was not so unreasonable. I thought how unethical and pretended to be occupied with cell phone. Wow in this day one should be cautious when cell phones are present.


So I have put it all together and decided I hope the poor woman is in a real hospital getting cared for away from the chaos. Since she has not returned, I hope it is so.


I have had a terrible time getting seen by this doc. I usually end up at one of my follow up visits at my other outside dr offices. They tell me they call him. He has not even made sure I get the medication my specialists want me to have,but he will eventually in his own time. He pops in for a quickie 3 minute check in when it is my day.

Luckily I can manage my own health care and rehab through my insurance in here. They sre not supportive. Even the pharmacy is a sorry excuse for a business. Stat means within the week.

So much for a five star nursing home. What an oxymoron.


Oh So I bought some highly fragrant lotions from a well known shop famous for fragrant lotions and stuff. I did it because air fresheners are not allowed. I am a human air freshener now. Because my other roomie wears a diaper and refuses to get showered or changed. She will if her family is coming. But she still wears the same shirt. Her family thinks it was washed until she confessed the laundry lost stuff so she does not put this shirt in the wash. She claims all her clothes no longer fit,but refuse new clothes claiming only her trusty shirt is soft enough. She tells staff all kinds of reasons not to shower and goes for weeks. She never brushes her teeth. No staff help her even though her hands shake. But she feeds herself.

ok but the real doozie is how she tells staff at changing time that she is dry. As shifts change,she can go from 7am to 10pm without a diaper change. She will get one when they put her to bed. She has even leaked on the the cna's clothing. She has a towel on her chair that gets soaked even if she gets one afternoon changing. She regularly wear sneakers that are regularly drenched and set on the wheelchair to dry overnight. Her Shoes and wheelchair smell like urine. Even staff notices but no one does anything. Her personal blakets are required by her to be loaded on In a specific order. Her sheets and padding are soaked in the morning because she is sleepy or she says she is dry. Staff anxious for less work,walk away. In the morning she tells shocked staff she drinks lots of water. She never allows those blankets to be washed. She wears one support stocking she never allows to be washed because the matching one disappeared. It is hung over the wheelchair to dry out. Her daughter bought new ones that are not good ones she tells us. She seems unaware that she reeks of urine. Staff is unsympathetic to me sleeping in here. They do not care since the woman never leaves this room. They forced the ill woman into the common room to sit all day,but they leave this one to sit in front of the television she says her daughter bought her.


I have told everyone aboyt this filthy woman but they say she is adult,her choice. They just treat the sores she gets from sitting in a wet diaper and do not bother with making sure she gets changed.


The smell of excrement is the worst. She will claim she is not done hour after hour,so she is served dinner,sits for hours of sitcoms,and then is finally done when it is time to put her in bed for the night.


She is such a nice good person. I would miss her if I changed rooms. I try and suggest she get changed more but she is really set in her ways.

I also do not want another room with unknown things to deal with. So in the meantime I smell like a scented lotion store.


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A very good thing to do.  In the 18th century the posy was invented.  It was often made of lavender and highly scented flowers.  It was carried by high class ladies to put under their noses so they did not smell the garbage and worse that littered the streets of London.  You are a posy for sure.

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Seriously,staff Comes in and says it smells good in our room. I say my lotion and they know it.


Tonight staff told roomie she stinks. But she is already making excuses why she cannot shower in the morning.

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