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65 in april



haven't been on site in long time. I turned 65 in April and had to go to Boston for eye surgery in May;

I had a precancerous lesion that needed to be removed. my previous eye surgeon did not want to do it because it involved a graft and she hasn't done very many. Thankfully all went well and I healed well. In August I had emergency gall bladder surgery. I went in on a Sun. but wasn't operated on until thurs. because I'm on the blood thinner eliquis and had to get that out of my system first. the 45 min. surgery took 21/2 Dr. said it was" grossly infected and inflamed..." yuck the staff was wonderful, my fellow patients were not! While waiting for surgery one patient put tv on at 4:15 A.M. I didn't say anything until the next morning when it went on at 4:30 AM and asked to have it turned down. There was a lot of drama going on including a different roommate whose daughter was using our shower to get ready for going out partying. on my way to surgery I overheard a nurse say they had a difficult patient who needed to be moved; guess whose room she went blood pressure went very high and they almost didn't let me go home the next day. I told them I thought I was at risk for another stroke if I didn't get home.My cardiologist had to intervene wen heart rate went to 135 resting and bp was going nuts. thankfully after a lot of hassle all went well . Next in line is a Nov. colonoscopy which I delayed from my Sept. app"t.I don' want to wish my life away but I can hardly wait for 65 to be over . I haven't been using my computer much since getting an ipad for my birthday and first operation >

hopefully I can get my stroke network on it now that I hopefully have my password straightened out.I have a lot of reading and catching up to do. I hope you are all doing well and improving. blessings lynn


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Welcome back Lynn and welcome back to blogging.  I hate it when people leave without saying That is a lot of operations and procedures to go through in one year for sure.  And yes, hospital is never a place to get a nice rest.


PS.  65 is not so bad, I am now 68 and that is great!!

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I wrote an update but its' in cyberspace.Idon'tuse my laptop often but mostly my ipad and have trouble posting on it. I've joined a stroke group on facebook because I can navigate on that better while checking on my family's postings.I'll try to check here more often because I miss a lot of information and details on friends here.I made a New Years resolution 1/1/16 and broke it in 2/16 with an endometrial biopsy which fortunately was negative,.Wed. I turn 66 and ready to say goodby to this 65th year of blessingsLynn

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